The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Director Says Not To Worry About Too Many Villains

As the villain count for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has started to climb, there has been somewhat of [...]

Electro Jamie Foxx

As the villain count for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has started to climb, there has been somewhat of a backlash online. Because one of the chief criticisms of Spider-Man 3 was that too many villains created a convoluted and confusing plot line, fans are worried about the same thing happening with Amazing Spider-Man 2. In a San Diego Comic-Con interview with MTV, Marc Webb addressed the too many villains question. Marc Webb explained, "I'll tell you that the main villain in this movie is Electro. These movies are sort of on-going, and there are a lot of hints and teases about what's going to unfold in the future, but we were very focused on that simple conflict between Spider-Man and Electro. Electro is, to me, a really captivating and interesting villain because at this point, Spider-Man is really good at being Spider-Man. There is a level of virtuosity that is really fun to make and really fun to watch. Those abilities need to be challenged." In regards to Paul Giamatti's Rhino, Marc Webb said, "Rhino, of course, is in the movie, as a lot of people know, but that's a little bit of a tease. It fits into the movie in a very elegant way." The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is scheduled to be released in movie theaters on May 23, 2013.

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