Chris Hemsworth Wins People’s Choice Award For Favorite Action Movie Star

How much did comic book movies dominate the Favorite Action Movie Star category? Well, every [...]

Thor is a demigod

How much did comic book movies dominate the Favorite Action Movie Star category? Well, every single actor nominated in the category appeared in a comic book movie. For the 2013 People's Choice Awards, nominees in the Favorite Action Movie Star category included Chris Evans for The Avengers, Chris Hemsworth for The Avengers, Christian Bale for The Dark Knight Rises, Robert Downey, Jr. for The Avengers, and Will Smith for Men In Black 3. Yes, Men In Black was originally based on a comic book, even though most in the general public probably don't realize it. The winner for the 2013 People's Choice Awards Favorite Action Movie Star was Chris Hemsworth.