Ezra Miller Hints Who Plays Grindelwald In Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them

Warning: Possible spoilers for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them reside below. If you wish [...]

Warning: Possible spoilers for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them reside below. If you wish to avoid them, back away slowly!

Ever since J.K. Rowling announced she was creating a cinematic universe for her Fantastic Beasts book, fans have been interested to see what the film would cover. That interest only grew when sources confirmed that the franchise would delve into the dark revolution created by Gellert Grindelwald in the 1920s. The dark wizard stands as the most feared man in all of magical history, and even Lord Voldemort coveted Grindelwald's skill. Over the past month, rumors over who might play the wizard have been running rampant - and now Ezra Miller has dropped a hint as to who the lucky actor might be.

During a recent press junket, Harry Potter fansite Mugglenet had a chance to speak with Miller about his Fantastic Beasts character Credence. It was there that Miller was asked the following question: "Is Grindelwald [Pervical] Graves the entire movie or is there a point where he becomes him?"

And here is what Miller had to say in response. The actor explained, "I do not know. I do not know that. It was not scripted. If there is a transitional point[,] we were never told about it[,] but that does not mean that it did not happen because we were not told about a lot of things."

The actor was then asked if he knew where the real Pervical Graves was hidden in the film, and Ezra said he did not. However, he did joke that, " if this is a Barty Crouch Junior situation he is probably at the bottom of one of those trunks."

If you taken in Miller's words, then it seems pretty likely that Pervical Graves is actually Grindelwald. This would mean that Colin Farrell is playing the infamous wizard, and fans are already starting to freak out about the possibility.

Of course, the twist isn't totally unexpected. Fans have been wondering whether Johnny Depp would play Grindelwald, but the folks behind Fantastic Beasts have been hinting Farrell is the real man behind the wand.


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Most notably, a slew of character posters released this summer directly connected Percival Graves to Grindelwald with a not-so-subtle prop piece. Most of the posters include knick-knacks which nod to the characters and their individual interests - and a very peculiar item can be seen behind Percival Graves. Fans can see a necklace bearing the Deathly Hallows symbol swinging behind the wizarding official. Of course, fans are wondering what connections the Director of Magical Security might have with the legendary items.

So, what do you guys think about this teaser? Do you think Miller's hint stands true or is it a misdirection attempt by a clever actor? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

[H/T] Mugglenet