Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Trailer Released Online

A full-length, theatrical trailer for the forthcoming Tom Clancy adaptation Jack Ryan: Shadow [...]


A full-length, theatrical trailer for the forthcoming Tom Clancy adaptation Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit has been made available online by Paramount Pictures and Yahoo! Movies. You can see the trailer below. Starring Chris Pine, Kevin Costner and Keira Knightley, the story is a prequel set before the existing Jack Ryan films, which starred Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck at various times in Ryan's career. Thor's Kenneth Branagh directs.

In a story taking place prior to the original Jack Ryan stories, Ryan is a young stock broker working for a billionaire in Moscow before joining the CIA. When the billionaire he is advising frames him for a terrorist plot and kidnaps his wife, Ryan must race against time to clear his name, stop the plot, and save his wife.

is due in theaters on Christmas.