The Wolverine & Iron Man Among Twenty Most Powerful Celebrities

Forbes magazine has released their latest annual list of the top 100 most powerful celebrities, [...]

Hugh Jackman & Robert Downey Jr.

Forbes magazine has released their latest annual list of the top 100 most powerful celebrities, and two superheroes finished in the top 20. Hugh Jackman, who is best known for playing Wolverine in the various X-Men movies, finished at number 11 on the list. Hugh Jackman's pay for the last year (June 2012 through June 2013) was listed at $55 million. We assume that would include salary for work he did on both The Wolverine and X-Men: Days Of Future Past. The Wolverine is set to be released on July 26, 2013, while X-Men: Days Of Future Past isn't scheduled to be released until May 23, 2014. Robert Downey Jr., who is best known for playing Tony Stark in the Iron Man and Avengers movies, finished at number 20 on the list. Robert Downey Jr.'s pay for the last year was listed at $75 million. We assume that would include salary for Iron Man 3 and probably bonus incentives he earned for The Avengers stellar performance at the box office. Robert Downey Jr. recently signed a new contract with Marvel Studios to star in Avengers 2 & 3. Based on pay alone, Robert Downey Jr. would have been ranked number 15 on the list, but there are other criteria that also get factored into the ranking. There were also three actresses in the top 100 of note to comic book fans: Jennifer Lawrence, who plays Mystique in the X-Men movies; Gwyneth Paltrow who plays Pepper Potts in the Iron Man movies; and Emma Stone, who plays Gwen Stacy in the Spider-Man movies.