Transformers 4 Title Possibly Revealed

While online fans have been clamoring for Transformers 4 to be titled Trans4mers, it doesn't look [...]

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While online fans have been clamoring for Transformers 4 to be titled Trans4mers, it doesn't look like that title is in the running. According to, the brand protection agency responsible for registering domain names for past Transformers movies has recently registered a few new domain names. On August 28, 2013, MarkMonitor registered the domains names:, and While Fusible notes that the official registrant is hidden, they suspect that Paramount Pictures is likely behind the domain names. Based on the domain names, three likely titles for Transformers 4 are Transformers: Last Stand, Transformers: Apocalypse, and Transformers: Future Cast. Transformers 4 is set to be released in movie theaters on June 27, 2014.