Massive Star Wars Inflatable Millennium Falcon Costs a Fortune

Magic Jump, a company that specializes in inflatable attractions, has partnered with Disney on a [...]


Magic Jump, a company that specializes in inflatable attractions, has partnered with Disney on a line of high-end Star Wars inflatables that includes a massive 35' x 30' x 15', 1136-pound Millennium Falcon. Indeed, you'll be bouncing passengers and checks all over the galaxy if you're willing to fork over the eye-watering asking price of $9,495.

Granted, inflatables like these are intended for businesses that rent amusements, but anyone with the means and the space can buy one right here. Features of the Millennium Falcon Hyperspace Jump Experience (as it is officially known) are outlined in the description below for anyone that's interested. For everyone else, this Ride-On Millennium Falcon pool float is nice at 1/380 the price.


"The exterior features a comprehensive application of the actual graphics of the Millennium Falcon's armored hull, while the interior contains iconic features seen in Star Wars movies. Passengers will encounter a Chewbacca inflatable as they enter and an R2D2 inflatable replica and C-3PO graphic as they jump their way around the ship.

Passengers will feel the rush as they imagine piloting the Millennium Falcon like Han Solo and Chewbacca as they explore the cockpit area; pretend to operate the cockpit's master control panel with its gears, switches, and buttons; and eject themselves down a small slide. In the main cabin, they'll come across inflatable pop-up obstacles such as a bunk, storage container, and holo-map where they can see a holographic-like rendering of the Death Star.

Passengers can step up to the laser cannon turret where they can pretend to defend against Imperial forces, and they can also pretend to play dejarik at the hologame table. The pièce de ré·sis·tance is the climber/slide in the center of the ship with ceiling hatch graphic showing explosive battle with a Star Destroyer and TIE fighters."


Speaking of expensive Star Wars things, pre-orders for a massive Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray box set went live as a Best Buy exclusive in the U.S. for $249.99. The set includes all 9 films in the saga in 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and Digital plus a kitchen sink of special features on 27-discs with special packaging that appears to be adorned with Ralph McQuarrie concept art. The set is a limited edition, so grab one while you can.

[h/t ChipandCo]

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