From battling Darth Vader to blowing up Death Stars, the heroes of Star Wars aren’t often shown sitting down to eat a well-balanced meal. One of the few moments in which we do see a character with a meal is when Luke Skywalker goes to Dagobah to meet Yoda. When responding to a fan on Twitter, Mark Hamill revealed that the food he brought to the planet would do little to stave off hunger.
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I remember mixed nuts/mint & orange Tic-Tacs/sesame sticks/crackers- basically airline food. #DegobahDelicacy #SwampPlanetSnacks #YoDaWorst
โ Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) August 24, 2017
The actor explains that, while not knowing how long he might potentially be enduring the hostile terrain of Dagobah, he subsisted on nothing more than “basically airline food.” Shortly after meeting Yoda and heading back to his hut, Luke tastes and spits out a stew concocted by the Jedi master, so the hero hadn’t planned his adventure as thoroughly as he could have.
With that many Tic-Tacs in his box, however, Luke would surely have had incredibly fresh breath amidst training.
Another interesting note about the tweet, as pointed out by CNET, is that Hamill spelled it “Degobah” instead of the correct “Dagobah.” Clearly the food Luke brought to the planet wasn’t brain food, causing the actor to misspell the planet he spent so much time on.
The ending of The Force Awakens teased that Luke had been living on the remote planet of Ahch-To for years without audiences getting a chance to see the types of wildlife or vegetation found on the planet. Dagobah was rife with animals, which Luke and Yoda could have cultivated to survive, but Ahch-To’s desolate landscape has us concerned over what Luke could have eaten to survive.
We’ll perhaps learn more about Skywalker’s diet when The Last Jedi hits theaters December 15.