Sizing Up The Greatest Cars In Cinematic History

From the Mystery Machine to the Mario Kart some of the best cars come straight from the pages of [...]

From the Mystery Machine to the Mario Kart some of the best cars come straight from the pages of comicbooks or from the silver screen.

The world is full of incredible cars that push the boundaries of what is possible and what fiction offers us is the chance to truly go wild with motoring design. Whether you want to see a car that transforms into a giant robot from space; a bullet-proof car that conveniently doubles as a tank; a time travelling car that becomes as much an icon of its TV series as its drivers, fiction is a vast treasure chest of creative genius which the guys at Rybrook Driver's Life Magazine celebrated in the graphic below.

Courtesy of: Rybrook Driver's Life

According to the site, the inspiration to create the chart from the fact that fiction can be the source of inspiration for many of the cars that we see today on the road. From LIDAR detection systems that enhance the safety of our driving, to cars that understand vocal orders and drive themselves while you enjoy touch screen controlled entertainment built into the dashboard or projected onto the windscreen.

Science fiction as a tool for inspiring innovation is nothing new. Jules Verne wrote 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea way back in 1870 and described a giant submarine that could travel the oceans at great depths – users would enjoy scenery through a large window that could withstand deep sea pressures, and Verne even described a machine that could turn sea water into drinking water, despite the desalination process being barely understood at the time. Nonetheless he wrote it, and his work pioneered the will to build such a machine.

In a similar stroke of creative flair, Star Trek gave its characters mobile phones, wireless headsets and even smart tablets long before we got them in the real world. So when we look at vehicles that transform into robots, time travelling cars and even flying cars, they shouldn't be seen as Utopian fantasies but as things that could one day exist.

The sizes for our Fiction's Greatest Cars chart were obtained through researching fan sites and, where possible, consulting original artwork to ensure we remained as faithful as we possibly could to the original design.

Which is your favorite car from fiction? What would you have added to this list of fiction's greatest cars?

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