Batwoman: How to Stream Season 1 for Free

Tonight, Batwoman's first season will officially be coming to a close, when the show's Season 1 [...]

Tonight, Batwoman's first season will officially be coming to a close, when the show's Season 1 finale airs on The CW. The series, which is the latest to join the network's Arrowverse of superhero shows, has provided viewers with a unique and exhilarating take on Gotham City over the past twenty episodes. If you've been hoping to binge-watch the season in its entirety - or just revisit your favorite episodes - you are in luck. While the series will not be available to stream on Netflix, it will be making its way to the upcoming HBO Max streaming service. Before that happens, fans will have the opportunity to watch the season for free (with ads) in its entirety, through The CW's website and app. At the time of this writing, the first nineteen episodes are available, with the season finale expected to be added on Monday, May 18th.

While most of The CW's series only host their five most recent episodes on the website, a new deal has allowed the network to have in-season streaming rights to Batwoman - as well as fellow freshman series Nancy Drew and Katy Keene. This means that if you have yet to check out any of the series, now is a great time to do so.

Batwoman follows the journey of Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) as she returns to Gotham City and decides to suit up as its openly-lesbian caped crime-fighter. The series has brought a unique take on the iconic Gotham City mythos, as well as some major moments among its ensemble of characters.

"I'm absolutely overwhelmed by the support, especially on Instagram, on Twitter. Those are mainly the two places that I try and interact with as many people as I can," Nicole Kang, who plays Mary Hamilton on the series, recently told "If there are tweets, I try to like all of them and see what they're all saying. It's really amazing to me, because oftentimes, I think something is really layered in Mary's journey. It's amazing what they pick up on, they pick up on so much nuance in her that I really take to heart. It makes it worth it. It's so great to see how invested people are in her and her journey, and it's just such a cool show to be on."

Will you be checking out Batwoman's full season through The CW's website? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!