Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power First Reactions Are Out
Feels like a return to the comfortable universe we all love
Let’s not bury the lede. Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power looks like it should, sounds like it should, and feels like a return to the comfortable universe we all love. #LOTRROP pic.twitter.com/xhTBm3OY1G
— TheOneRing.net (@theoneringnet) May 9, 2022
Looking forward to the show even more now
3/ They know their Tolkien and pretty much every concern and challenge I’ve thought about the last few years in adapting the Second Age, they’ve clearly worked through themselves.
— Digital Tolkien Project (@DigitalTolkien) May 9, 2022
Feeling very optimistic
@LOTROnPrime had me and @tolkienprof to London last week to see bits of the #RingsofPower, Tolkien’s Oxford, & to meet the show runners, who kept up with the best of us. Their passion & knowledge made me feel like they were one of us;they get it. I’m feeling very optimistic! pic.twitter.com/dBWq3x4v9w
— Dr. Maggie Parke (@MaggieParke) May 9, 2022
The scale and scope of this production truly shining through
…The footage shown was encouraging with the scale and scope of this production truly shining through, but still left me with a few lingering concerns left unanswered. The day in Oxford was amazing and meeting all the other content creators was just pure joy!
— Fellowship of Fans (@FellowshipFans) May 9, 2022
Unforgettable experience
On the second day, in London, the series was aired and a Q&A with the showrunners. 🗣
— Tolkien Talk (@TolkienTalkBR) May 9, 2022
Without a doubt, it was an unforgettable experience and we are back very satisfied with what we saw. 🧝🏻 pic.twitter.com/UVZJ04zWkR
From 'cautious optimism' to 'restrained anticipation'
Alan and Shawn were invited to London by Amazon Prime Video to view a sneak peek of footage from The Rings of Power, and to meet the showrunners! We can say that we have moved from 'cautious optimism' to 'restrained anticipation', and are looking forward to telling you more!
— The Prancing Pony Podcast (@prancingponypod) May 9, 2022
The show is in VERY good hands.
Last week, I was invited by the @LOTRonPrime folks, along with a bunch of other internet Tolkien folks, to attend an advanced screening of some footage from the #RingsofPower show and to meet the showrunners. I must say: after meeting them, I feel the show is in VERY good hands.
— Tolkien Professor (@tolkienprof) May 9, 2022