Elias is Ready to Win Some WWE Championship Gold

Over the course of 2018, few men in WWE have seen their stock rise like that of Elias.After a [...]

Over the course of 2018, few men in WWE have seen their stock rise like that of Elias.

After a brief run in WWE NXT that could only be described as underwhelming, Elias made his way to the main roster and saw his fortunes completely turn around. The guitar and singing gimmick works far better on the main roster than it ever did at NXT, and Elias has excelled beyond anyone's wildest expectations. The man has entertained fans all over the country and become a legitimate star.

One thing left for Elias to accomplish on the main roster is achieving championship status. The man himself spoke about this recently with the men over at Cultaholic and made it known he's ready to hold some gold.

"There's plenty to achieve," said Elias. "I think a championship needs to come my way sooner than later. I've got unfinished business with Seth Rollins. When we had our match at Money in the Bank, and he ended up cheating to win. The way I see it, give me another crack at him because guess what, I can cheat to if I have too. But I can be Rollins straight up one-on-one, which is why I think he cheated in the first place because he knows it. You want to talk about the Universal Championship down the line. But just bigger, grander, better, more performances, in front of more people and just continue to grow."

During the interview, he also spoke about how he came up with the character of Elias. Interestingly, Dusty Rhodes was heavily involved.

"It really just came from real life," said Elias. "I can remember sitting there with Dusty Rhodes, just the one-on-one talking, the way me and you [Adam Pacitti] are right now, telling him about my life and the kind of person I am. One day I just brought a guitar in and I was telling a little story and playing a little guitar in between and he took notice and said 'man, that was cool, there's something to that'. It's just continued to evolve since then.

"And a little story I tell: The way I sit on the stool and talk and play guitar right now on Monday Night Raw, I used to do that outside the venues, the little armories here in Florida, as people came in the building. Before anybody knew who Elias was, I was doing that. I was talking to people, playing guitar. I'm sure there are pictures or videos out there somewhere. Same thing, literally the same thing I was doing then, I'm doing now on Monday Night Raw."

H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcript.