R-Truth Is the Ric Flair of WWE 24/7 Champions With a Record 16 Reigns

R-Truth's utter domination over the WWE 24/7 Championship continued this week as he once again [...]

R-Truth's utter domination over the WWE 24/7 Championship continued this week as he once again lost and regain the title during Monday Night Raw. In a series of pretaped segments, Truth and Carmella bumped into Kane (Mayor of Knox County Glenn Jacobs), who offered to give them a tour of the city. Truth and Kane eventually ended up a Neyland Stadium at the University of Tennessee, where Kane revealed that a policeman standing next to him was actually a referee in disguise. Truth tried to run but accidentally knocked himself out on a goal post, allowing Kane to cover him and win the 24/7 title.

Later in the show Kane was seen arriving at the arena for Raw. But Truth, who was hiding on the roof of Kane's limousine, rolled up the big man to win the championship back for the 16th time. The pair then called a truce, as Truth pointed out that Kane wouldn't have time to worry about defending the championship given his professional duties as mayor.

With the victory, Truth has now held the championship for a combined 75 days, which is leaps and bounds ahead of the other 22 former champions. He won the title for the first time on the same night it was introduced, and has since gone on to either win or lose it on a golf course, an airport tarmac, on an airplane over the Red Sea, at Drake Maverick's wedding, inside of a hotel room, at an OB-GYN appointment, at the Fox Sports Founders Day celebration and at Madison Square Garden.

Back in July Truth appeared on the E&C Pod of Awesomeness and talked about his time with the title in an interview with Edge and Christian.

"I've been loving it man. It gives me a chance to release. I can be funny, I can be entertaining; I am getting more views doing this than a wrestling match," Truth said. "I'm having a ball. I'm glad I can take something that everybody thought was the ugliest thing in the world — everybody loves it now. The title is not ugly, it just has a different look. I get to have so much fun with it and it can be never ending with me."

The only other multi-time 24/7 Champions are Maverick, Elias, Jinder Mahal and Mike Kanellis.