WWE NXT's Toxic Attraction Retain Women's Tag Titles at Vengeance Day

The second match of tonight's WWE NXT Vengeance Day was the first for title gold of the night, as Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta were set to take on Toxic Attraction's Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne. Dolin and Jayne didn't even wait for the bell to start the attack, taking down Hartwell and Pirotta and putting them on the ground early. The bell finally rang and Jayne decked Pirotta in the ring, but she caught Jayne and hit her with a Fallaway Slam. Pirotta then hit a backbreaker and tagged Hartwell in for a pin attempt, but Jayne kicked out.

Hartwell then hit an uppercut and a kick for another pin attempt, but Jayne kicked out. Jayne got Hartwell up top and then tagged Dolin in, and then Rose distracted Hartwell and allowed for Dolin and Jayne to get some kicks in and send Hartwell reeling.

Rose tried to interfere again but the referee caught it this time and sent Rose away, exiling her away from the ring. Dolin and Hartwell went at it next, and Dolin went for a pin but Hartwell kicked out.

Doline then locked in a hold and slammed Hartwell down face first on the mat, then sent her reeling towards the turnbuckle. She tagged Jayne in and Jayne slammed into her and then went for a pin but Hartwell kicked out. She sent Hartwell into the corner again and tagged in Dolin, and then Dolin kicked her right in the lower back. Dolin then slammed onto Hartwell's back twice and then whipped her back into their corner while tagging Jayne in.

Jayne kicked Hartwell back down and then tagged Dolin in to join, and both alternated in putting their boots on Hartwell's neck. Jayne cut her off from her partner and put her knee in Hartwell's back. They then traded punches and chops and then knocked each other down, and both tagged in their partners.

Pirotta started off strong with a clothesline and then she slammed Dolin's face into the turnbuckle. She then slammed Dolin down but Jayne got on her back. Pirotta shook her off and then she grabbed Dolin and put both on her back and slammed them down with authority.

Then they had a pin opportunity but Jayne intervened. Pirotta would attack her and charge at Jayne but she dodged and Pirotta went into the steel steps. Then Hartwell was about to jump in for the pin but Jayne pulled at her foot from the outside, setting Dolin up for a slam and pin attempt, but Hartwell kicked out.

Unfortunately, Pirotta was out so Jayne and Dolin went for the finish, hitting big kicks on Hartwell and that was it, nabbing the pin and the win.