X-Men: Apocalypse's Jennifer Lawrence Visits Children's Hospital

On Friday afternoon, Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook) made a [...]

On Friday afternoon, Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook) made a surprise visit to a children's hospital in Montreal.

Lawrence, who has been in the local area filming Bryan Singer's X-Men: Apocalypse, used her day off to make an unscheduled visit to Montreal's Shriners Hospital. While she was there the 24-year-old actress signed casts, posed for photographs and chatted with the patients and staff.

"A very special visitor stopped by our Canada hospital today. Jennifer Lawrence is in Montreal filming a new movie and she made time to visit some of our ‪#‎ShrinersCanada‬ kids and staff," read a message on the official Shriners Hospitals for Children Facebook page. "Everyone had a great time!"

Check out photos (via Shriners) and a video of Lawrence's visit.

Check out when X-Men: Apocalypse and other movies are coming out in ComicBook.com's Movie Release Schedule.