Dark Knight Rises Parody Heads Up a Mountain of New Community Videos

About a week ago, some inspired fans took to the Internet to release a trailer mashup for The Dark [...]

About a week ago, some inspired fans took to the Internet to release a trailer mashup for The Dark Knight Rises and the third season of NBC's sitcom Community, which will return to the air next week after a months-long hiatus during which it briefly looked as though the show might be canceled. The trailer is available on YouTube and has been embedded below. It uses mostly footage from season 2, allowing for more action-packed sequences culled from the paintball episodes and a few shots of people in suits (from the My Dinner With Andre parody episode), both of which are necessary when parodying The Dark Knight Rises.

As funny as it is, that's only one of a handful of videos that have come to life from Community this week. In addition to the animated webisodes we covered yesterday (a new one will go live later today), TV Line has an exclusive look at a key scene from March 15's return episode, and last night on Joel McHale's other TV gig, E! Network's The Soup, his co-star Gillian Jacobs was a guest and brought with her a trailer for the rest of the season. Weighing in at just over two minutes, the clip focuses mostly on what appears to be a showdown between the study group and fomer professor Chang, who now runs campus security.

returns Thursday, March 15 at 8pm on NBC. New webisodes will run today and tomorrow at NBC's official Community site as well as on Hulu.