Nintendo Tops Rankings as Wealthiest Company in Japan, Sony Comes Fourth

Nintendo has been having a killer year since their successful launch of the Nintendo Switch. The [...]


Nintendo has been having a killer year since their successful launch of the Nintendo Switch. The hybrid console became an instant hit with fans of the Big N and more and more third party developers are beginning to show their support. Because of this, it shouldn't be surprising that the company has topped the sales charts in Japan for this year, with Sony trailing behind in fourth place.

Japanese publication Toyo Keizai just released their tiered list of the 500 richest companies in Japan and many will be excited to see that Nintendo has clawed their way to the top. Often seen as the Godfather of Gaming, the Nintendo brand is responsible for much of the gaming we have today. To see the passion for this company dwindle after the Wii's launch was heartbreaking to see for long-time fans. After the Wii-U's flop, many wondered what the next step was for the Big N. When they revealed the Nintendo Switch, many were hesitant to be excited at first but it all paid off. The promises delivered pre-launch are being consistantly met, and stock for the latest console continues to trickle in at a steady pace.

For Japan, Nintendo has racked in an impressive 946 billion yen in cash reserves, which translates to 8,460,645,600 USD. As far as gaming goes, their closest competition is Sony with their PlayStation 4, which came in at fourth place on the list of richest companies. It's not surprising that Sony made the list with their popular gaming market, and the company also sells other electronics as well such as televisions and mobile devices. The fact that Nintendo offers neither of those things makes their win all the more celebratory and we can't wait to see what's next in store for Nintendo fans!

(via NintendoLife)