Rainbow Six Siege Brings Pick and Ban to Test Servers

The Rainbow Six Siege test servers are playing host to the new Pick and Ban options that allow [...]


The Rainbow Six Siege test servers are playing host to the new Pick and Ban options that allow players to strike out Operators they don't want to play against.

Pick and Ban is a feature that's been previewed in the past, and in Ubisoft's latest update for the test servers, the option is ready to be tested. The focus of this test server phase is on the new feature that will allow players to play like the pros do with the developers providing additional info on how to make the experience even more akin to that of the pros.

"Pick and Ban is a set of custom game options that players are able to activate when they create a custom game," the Ubisoft update said. "To play with the new Pick and Ban system, you will first need to create a custom game. Then navigate to the match settings section of the custom game options. From here, you can activate/deactivate the ban feature. You will also need to select the time per ban phase. To mirror the Pro League settings, you will also want to activate 6th pick, and select the time for this pick phase. Finally, set the round rotation to Win/Play."

Throughout the test phase, Ubisoft says that it's looking for players' feedback on how the Pick and Ban interface looks and functions as well as the overall experience of the new feature.

In addition to the Pick and Ban feature, Ubisoft is also adding a few other changes to the test servers in today's update. One of these is a tweak to a weapon sight misalignment fix that was tested previously and has received additional changes for this latest test version.

"We are iterating on the weapon sight misalignment fix that was tested in the previous Test Server. We have made some minor tweaks and will be testing it again. We are looking forward to your feedback on this version of the weapon sight misalignment fix, and request that you submit all feedback here."

Players on the test servers might also notice that some of their Operators are moving a bit slower or quicker. This is due to the Ubisoft's plan for leveling out the trade-off between armor and speed by making the following changes.

  • 3 Speed Operators slightly slower
  • 1 Speed Operators slightly faster
  • Small increase to movement speed with handguns out (Automatic sidearms excluded)
  • No movement speed penalty for shield Operators when the shield is on their back

Look for these changes on the test servers along with the other features and fixes outlined by Ubisoft here.
