Batman V. Superman Film Crew Jacket Shows Off New Logo

Seemingly confirming speculation that there have been minor tweaks to the official logo [...]

BatmanvSupermanDawnOfJusticeLogo mini

Seemingly confirming speculation that there have been minor tweaks to the official logo for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, a Twitter user has posted a photo of an official crew jacket, where a logo patch appears to match closely with Henry Cavill's recently-revealed Challenge Coins.

Fans have noted that the "tail" on the bat insignia comes in a bit, the edges up top seem more rounded and the logo itself is not as "fat" as the officially-released logo, all of which gives it an even more Frank Miller-inspired appearance.

Here's the jacket, and there's a link to our original story about the coin below.

We speculated at the time that it could just as easily be either a margin of error thing, or what's necessary to get the logo onto a coin...but the fact that this new glimpse behind the scenes appears to sync up with that one probably suggests that by the time official merchandise starts to arrive in stores, the logo we've all gotten used to will be a little different.

Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice is due in theaters in March 2016, and principal photography has wrapped, so we expect to start hearing some news soon.