'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 2 Finale Preview Teases Time Travel, Showdown With Section 31

The second season of Star Trek: Discovery comes to a close in this Thursday’s season finale. CBS [...]

The second season of Star Trek: Discovery comes to a close in this Thursday's season finale. CBS All Access has released a new preview for the episode, part two of "Such Sweet Sorrow." The preview shows Spock assisting Michael Burnham in enacting her plan to use the new Red Angel suit to jump forward in time, towing Discovery with her. In theory, that should put the data gathered from the mysterious sphere Discovery encountered earlier in the season, the data Control needs to evolve, out of the artificial intelligence's reach. But pulling it off means Discovery and the Enterprise will have to fend off the entire Section 31 fleet. You can watch the preview in the video above.

Showrunner/co-creator Alex Kurtzman, who co-wrote the two-part finale, assures fans that the finale will tie up several loose ends. "We are entirely aware of everyone's questions and criticisms;" Kurtzman said. "I've read everything, and I see where everyone's like, 'Well, the spore drive never existed!' and 'What, Discovery was never around!' and all of those things, we're totally aware. You will get an answer."

Kurtzman also says, "The first thing I will promise you is that we are totally aware of that and you will see us sync back around to where you expect to be, but not necessarily in the way that you expect it. And I think that that, that is one of the things, for me, that has always been the defining trait of Star Trek, is 'How do you deliver the thing that you expect, that fans love, but how do you keep it fresh by always reinventing it just enough without breaking it?' You have to keep making those bold choices to keep it relevant. And obviously when you do that you will always make controversial choices."

"As I read the final script for season two, my jaw dropped, and I'm dumbfounded with where we're headed," said Doug Jones, who plays Cmdr. Saru. "So I think the fans can expect to boldly go where no Star Trek series has ever gone before."

Anthony Rapp, who plays Lt. Cmdr. Paul Stamets on the series, also chimed in on this topic. "I think that the last few episodes will really close the circle for people," he said. "If we've done our job, what was on the page — I haven't seen them yet — but what was on the page in the scripts, closes the circle; it answers the questions that are lingering and remaining for people of how we fit in. And I believe very strongly that it will leave people satisfied. As someone who cares about continuity, to some degree, I was like, 'If this doesn't make people happy, I don't know what else we can do.'"

What do you think will happen in the season finale of Star Trek: Discovery? Let us know in the comments. New Star Trek: Discovery episodes become available to stream Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. ET on CBS All Access.


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