
Arrow: Five Predictions For Season Three’s Finale

As Arrow comes to another climactic season finale, massive shake-ups are in store for Oliver Queen […]

As Arrow comes to another climactic season finale, massive shake-ups are in store for Oliver Queen and the rest of Starling City. In fact, actor Stephen Amell even teased that after the episode’s credits roll, fans will feel like they just watched an entire series finale. But what could lead to such drastic changes for Arrow and his band of heroes? Below, we predict the events with the best shots at redefining Arrow’s world.

1. Thea Queen Becomes Speedy

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2. Captain Lance Reconciles With Laurel and Oliver

3. Oliver and Felicity Truly Become Olicity

They had a one-night stand earlier this season, but Oliver and Felicity seem destined for more than just a hook-up. By killing Sara Lance and putting Ray Palmer in the “Friend Zone,” it seems like Arrow has taken great pains to clear the board for an official relationship between Arrow’s favorite hashtag. While Oliver told Felicity earlier this season that he couldn’t be with her as long as he was the Arrow, preview footage hints that may no longer be an issue. As a trailer clip showed, Oliver boldly announced “My name is Oliver Queen.” To us, that sounds like a proclamation that Oliver is ready find a greater balance in life by embracing his alter-ego as tightly as his superhero persona. And with a better balance on life, Oliver could easily fit Felicity within it.ย Of course, this comes with the assumption that Oliver can annul his marriageย to Nyssa al Ghul. But since it was Al Sah-Him, and not Oliver Queen, who tied the knot, hopefully Oliver can get off the hook.ย 

4. Damien Darhk and H.I.V.E. Established As The Season Four’s Villains


5. Arrow Becomes Green Arrow

already confirmed

But what say you, readers? Do you think any of these predictions will come true? How do you think Arrow will end? Sound off in the comments.