
The Flash: The Sound and the Fury Non-Spoiler Review: A Fine Mix of Comedy and Excitement

A former employee of S.T.A.R. Labs comes after Wells for revenge, using sonic technology as a […]

The Sound and the Fury is an interesting episode that gives a more in-depth look at Harrison Wells than we have gotten so far. In fact, Barry moves a little bit towards the sidelines so that the employees of S.T.A.R. Labs, both past and present, can have a little more of their story told. Infused with the usual balance of humor and heroism (and one sly Arrow reference) The Sounds and the Fury elevates by looking at the past and towards the future simultaneously. It also gives us the most intriguing and complex villain we’ve had so far.

When it comes to the stand-out performances of the week, let’s hear it for the boys! Carlos Valdes shows us a side of Cisco we’ve never seen before, and he does so seamlessly. Facing off with him is Andy Mientus as Hartley Rathaway/The Pied Piper. It would be easy to chew the scenery as that character, but Mientus plays a very real and very human rogue. Many of the episode’s highlights come when these two share the screen. (And Valdes once more displays his perfect comedic timing in a scene where Cisco describes Hartley.)

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And of course, Tom Cavanaugh’s Harrison Wells remains one of the strongest elements of the show. In the wrong hands, it would be easy to form an opinion about whether Wells is good or evil. But Cavanaugh’s charm makes it impossible to know which side Wells is really on. Whether he is doing something kind or cruel, confident or humble, Wells displays sincerity and charm in a way that will keep the audience guessing until the very moment all is revealed.

The Sound and the Fury is a prime example of why The Flash is one of the hottest new shows of the year. A fine balance of comedy and excitement, combined with plenty of character development. Here’s to many more episode like this! (And much more Pied Piper as well!)