
The Walking Dead: This Sorrowful Life Three Sneak Peeks

Last night on The Walking Dead, Andrea finally woke up and decided to leave The Governor to go […]
The Walking Dead This Sorrowful Life

Last night on The Walking Dead, Andrea finally woke up and decided to leave The Governor to go join her friends at the prison. Of course, The Governor doesn’t take kindly to people leaving Woodbury. The Governor followed Andrea and treated her to some creepy whistling.Next week’s The Walking Dead episode is called “This Sorrrowful Life. According to the AMC description, “Rick and the group are faced with a serious problem. If they want a truce with the Governor, they will have to make a huge sacrifice.” Of course, the huge sacrifice is that they will have to turn over Michonne if they want The Governor to declare a truce.If the sneak peeks are any indication, the next episode will also be a very Merle-centered episode. Merle is shown having a conversation with Rick about what The Governor would do to Michonne, while Daryl is shown having a conversation with Glenn about whether Merle has apologized for what he did.The “This Sorrowful Life” episode of The Walking Dead airs on Sunday, March 24 at 9 PM ET on AMC.

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