
Comic Book Reviews for This Week: 11/13/2019

Welcome to this week in comic book reviews! The staff have come together to read and review nearly […]

Welcome to this week in comic book reviews! The staff have come together to read and review nearly everything that released today. It isn’t totally comprehensive, but it includes just about everything from DC and Marvel with the important books from the likes of Image, Boom, Dark Horse, and more.

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The review blurbs you’ll find contained herein are typically supplemented in part by longform individual reviews for significant issues. This week that includes Far Sector #1, Morbius #1, and Family Tree #1.

Also, in case you were curious, our ratings are simple: we give a whole number out of five; that’s it! If you’d like to check out our previous reviews, they are all available here.

And with that, on to the reviews — which are listed in alphabetical order, but first by DC, Marvel, and the rest of the publishers.

DC #1


Bryan Hill’s Batman and the Outsiders has, for the most part, been a book that sort of lags. The story has been uneven and felt, at times, directionless, as though there were either too many threads or not enough and none of them weaving together. That changes with Batman and the Outsiders #7 as Ra’s al Ghul’s plan to destroy Batman by going after his team kicks fully into action. The reality of this situation finally begins to present itself to the full Outsiders team and while the moving parts are still in many ways disconnected, with most of the team getting the message of just how deep they are into things the threat finally feels real. Batman and the Outsiders #7 still struggles a bit with too much exposition, but we’re finally getting into the story for real now — and it’s one that has promise. — Nicole Drum

Rating: 3 out of 5


It’s been quite some time since I’ve read a comic book that feels too long and too short at the exact same time. This isn’t necessarily to say that you should avoid it, just rather that I can see the story being much easier to digest in one sit through rather than in a monthly publication format. Ellis’ strength clearly comes in the form of Alfred and his love/hate relationship with Bruce, and Bryan Hitch is at the top of his game here, with shades of his Ultimates work at Marvel. While not managing to hold the momentum of the first issue, it’s still worth a look (though maybe you should wait for the collection). — Evan Valentine

Rating: 3 out of 5


The “Year of the Villain” has officially come for Selina Kyle, and the end result is much more satisfying than it could have been. Joelle Jones excels at doing double duty in this issue, crafting a narrative that fits into Lex’s master plan and Selina’s time in Villa Hermosa thus far, while also feeling unbelievably person. This also is worth buying just for Jones’ artwork alone, with some particularly breathtaking splash pages and character designs. Overall, this issue is an absolute knockout for Catwoman as a title. — Jenna Andersonโ€จ

Rating: 5 out of 5


Holy moly, Collapser is continuing to be great. Even with alien invasions and a heck of a lot of body horror, this issue almost feels like the most understated installment yet, as Liam violently comes to terms with his actions. The end result is largely poignant and gorgeously rendered, with a genuinely great Superman homage thrown in. — Jenna Anderson

Rating: 4 out of 5


Detective Comics is struggling with the complicated and problematic relationship between Dr. Freeze and his wife Nora. Freeze has always been depicted as a controlling and overbearing spouse, one that feeds into the tragic nature of his backstory. His wife was dying of a disease he couldn’t cure, so he froze her. Now that Nora is awake, she rebels against his overbearing nature – which comes out when Freeze notices a cruel streak emerging during their recent raids. While under usual circumstances we’d applaud Nora for stepping out of a bad relationship, the comic is meant to make us empathize with Freeze. It’s all a bit… backwards. The comic isn’t necessarily bad, but it certainly implies the wrong message. — Christian Hoffer

Rating: 2 out of 5


Eons after ancient beings inhabited the earth, a girl inherits a dollhouse, only for its inhabitants to begin to speak to her. Not all of their comments are the imaginings of a child, as it’s possible these beings have left their mark on the planet in countless perplexing and terrifying ways. As far as the meat of the story, about beings inhabiting a seemingly haunted dollhouse coming to life and having an eerie influence on a little girl, the narrative is pulled off effectively even if the idea isn’t groundbreaking. What really pushes the book above and beyond are all the various details that are seemingly unnecessary, which give enough explanation for the mysterious events unfolding while never explicitly laying things out. We never learn of a direct connection between the ancient beings and the dollhouse, nor do we learn what that has to do with a land surveyor in the 19th century and the bizarre events that unfold in a cave he explores. The inclusion of those details heighten the standard story to send the reader’s mind into a variety of terrifying scenarios, fueling the fires of speculation without ever spelling things out for you in this frightening universe that we’d love to return to. — Patrick Cavanaugh

Rating: 4 out of 5

DC #2


The conclusion of Brian Michael Bendis’ major mystery event, Event Leviathan #6 at times feels a little anti-climactic. The identity of Leviathan was, more or less, revealed in issue #5 and while the assembled greatest detectives of the DC Universe have been looking for answers across the whole series, Leviathan’s endgame was never really much of a mystery. In the end, the defeat of Leviathan feels a bit like a letdown, but that’s what makes the issue work. It’s this sense of disappointment that makes Bendis’ entire story arc work because of how real it feels. Sure, the detectives won, but at what cost? And, sure, Leviathan was defeated, but what’s next? There are no great victories in Event Leviathan #6, but as the chapter closes, the story sets up the next and offers a nagging reminder that while you can win the battle, you may still lose the warโ€”and Leviathan is definitely a war. Beautiful story, lovely art, it’s an excellent closing issue to the short series, well-executed and well-done. — Nicole Drum

Rating: 5 out of 5



DC Comics’ history is filled with cosmic tales of the Green Lanterns, but few if any have ever presented quite as compelling a concoction as Far Sector. Writer N.K. Jemisin makes her DC debut with the Young Animal series and it’s a stellar one to be sure; she not only brings to life a whole new society and cast of oddball characters, but also delivers one of the coolest new heroes in years. Artist Jamal Campbell pulls double duty on pencils and colors and delivers a visual knockout throughout the issue, bringing to life a world unlike any other in both color and style. It all adds up to one hell of an introduction, and one you don’t want to miss. — Matthew Aguilar

Rating: 5 out of 5


In the long history of superhero comics, it can sometimes be hard to find truly original story ideas, but the latest issue manages to do just that (for the Flash anyway). With Lex Luthor’s plan in full swing from the “Year Of The Villain” crossover, the Rogues are in charge of Central City. With Barry Allen only appearing on the last page, we’re introduced to a fascinating world where “King Cold” and the Rogues have split up the city to rule as they see fit. It’s an interesting idea that Williamson manages to make work excellently. — Evan Valentine

Rating: 4 out of 5


Gotham City Monsters still has its dark charm to keep it going, but the chemistry between the six characters simply isn’t clicking enough to support the story. This third issue is visually impressive as always with grit and gore to match the tone that’s persisted throughout the series so far, but it seems like we’ve moved past the part where we’re supposed to get to know the characters and established connections with them before being given a chance to fully do so. Croc, Frankenstein, and Bennet are pretty much running the show with the other three monsters serving as the supporting cast, and even though their contributions are felt in battle, it feels like some pieces are missing halfway through the series. — Tanner Dedmon

Rating: 3 out of 5


Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy turn to a shady source to fix Ivy’s ongoing issues in the wake of her resurrection during Heroes in Crisis. While I thought it was odd that the pair would turn to the Mad Hatter of all people for help, it makes sense that they seemed to expect his inevitable betrayal. The creative team seems to be growing more comfortable with the duo, and I’m curious to see if Ivy’s mental state will be the primary plot driver or if they’ll introduce more complications soon. — Christian Hoffer

Rating: 3 out of 5


If you’ve kept up with this run so far, you’ll know by now Venditti isn’t afraid to take risks; and more often than not, they pay off. The writer might have taken the biggest risk yet over the past issue and a half and though it’s far too early to tell the endgame, the story’s at least entertaining (and flat-out bonkers.) There’s going to be a chance that this arc writes itself into the corner based on the groundwork it’s laid so far but hey, enjoy the fun while it lasts. — Adam Barnhardt

Rating: 4 out of 5

DC #3


House of Whispers #15 may be the most Sandman-like series of the issue so far. Nalo Hopkinson uses this issue to catch up with the Corinthian and introduce a new house to the Sandman’s mythology, the House of Watchers. In the middle of this story, we catch up with Lady Erzulie, adrift after being rejected by her husbands. Domo Stanton does series-best work here, creating ornate pages for readers to glide through. Besides a distracting, out of place cameo from John Constantine, this is the strongest issue yet of a series that keeps getting better and better. — Jamie Lovett

Rating: 4 out of 5


Justice League Odyssey features a scene where a talking cat fueled by hatred negotiates with an insatiable cosmic entity bent on destruction. For this and this alone, it earns the highest marks. Honestly, though, Justice League Odyssey is starting to feel more and more like DC’s version of the Guardians of the Galaxyโ€”a team of misfits who hate each other fighting a cosmic threat of insurmountable odds. Those who loved the DnA run of Guardians of the Galaxy needs to pick up this comicโ€”it has quickly turned into one of DC’s best books. — Christian Hoffer

Rating: 5 out of 5


Superman is gearing up for a big “decision,” which DC has already spoiled as him outing himself as Clark Kent. This issue mostly cleans up some loose strings from the past year of Superman books, ranging from STAR Labs’s shady nature to a stop in at New Krypton to see Zod’s work rebuilding Kryptonian culture. Because of DC’s marketing, this comic mostly feels like its spinning its wheels and stalling for next issue’s big “reveal.” — Christian Hoffer

Rating: 3 out of 5


Tim Seeley crafts an ambitious swing for the fences that looks like it might sail all the way into the stands, but doinks off the foul pole and lands with a thud. This alternate take on the classic story line gets points for going in unexpected directions, but pencils by Kyle Hotz waffle between tonally on point and 90s excess. The one shot carves out an interesting place Darkseid that wasn’t touched on in the original Blackest Night, but often its plot gets lost in that very jungle of its own design and seemingly forgets its basis altogether. Amusing ideas aren’t in short supply but Its ambition doesn’t satisfy the clumsy handling. — Spencer Perry

Rating: 2 out of 5


Wonder Woman has become one of the most tedious reads in superhero comics. The action sequences in this issue are ill-defined, requiring plenty of explanation before and after each the fact. Blood on the page is disconnected from any specific moment and appears as inhuman as many of the faces and emotions being depicted. In the meanwhile, Diana and Cheetah’s interactions alike are rendered in voices that are indistinguishable from one another or any of their surrounding cast. It’s another slow journey between two points that fails to build suspense or stakesโ€”a slog towards a repeated showdown with no clear purpose. Keep it. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 2 out of 5

Marvel #1


Age of Conan: Valeria #4 focuses much more on the development of the story itself than it does on the visceral battles the Conan series are known for, so this may not be the most compelling chapter for longtime Conan fans. Much of the past and present is explained through exposition and memories with few action-filled checkpoints to hang the moments on. It’s at its best when depicting the characters expressively during their emotional peaks, and while it’s no doubt an important chapter for the overall story, this feels like a rare miss for Valeria. –– Tanner Dedmon

Rating: 3 out of 5


Agents of Atlas works best in the smaller more personal interactions between its delightful roster of heroes, and luckily there’s quite a few of them in #4. Writer Greg Pak kicks off the issue with an action spotlight but quickly changes gears to more endearing exchanges, and whether it’s Amadeus and Silk, Luna and Wave, or Amadeus and White Fox, the banter is always witty and charming. The mystery of Pan and Mike Nguyen continues to drive the plot forward, though the Jimmy Woo storyline isn’t nearly as interesting, at least not yet. As for the visuals, there are moments that shine, but again it’s often the ones that focus on expression and conversation, as the action scenes just don’t hold the sizzle and bite that you wish they did. Overall Agents of Atlas continues to build on its delightful cast and engaging central premise, but it seems like it hasn’t quite hit full gear. — Matthew Aguilar

Rating: 3 out of 5


Black Cat and Spider-Man should spend more time together, because books like these where they work in tandem are just plain fun. With some sleek art and and thrilling caper of a story, the Black Cat Annual never stops being enjoyable, and Spidey’s presence simply adds to the excitement. This Black Cat run continues to surprise. — Charlie Ridgely

Rating: 4 out of 5


Black Panther & The Agents of Wakanda takes a trip the moon for the start of its latest miniarc as T’Challa’s team discovers a rather haunting remnant of the Avengers: No Surrender event several months back. Once again Jim Zub’s comedic banter between teammates is the standout, with Okoye and Mockbird’s interactions being particularly funny. Black Panther himself also gets a bit more to do this time around compared to last issue, which is always a plus. — Connor Casey

Rating: 4 out of 5


With Fallen Angels you might be expecting more of an X-Force vibe because of the cast, but this book is far more introspective than other “Dawn of X” books and holds a different sort of edge than something like X-Force, and that tightrope act is wha makes it so compelling. Writer Bryan Hill delivers an eclectic mix of noir thriller and self exploration in Fallen Angels, and pulls back the curtain on the somewhat seedier side of Krakoa thanks to Mr. Sinister. In fact, Sinister just about steals the show in every panel he’s in, but Hill’s Psylocke stands toe to toe with him in each of those scenes, and equally impressive feat to be sure. Hill’s handling of X-23 is superb as well, as we can’t wait to see more of Kwannon and Laura’s growing friendship as the series continues. The jury’s still a little out on Cable, but there’s promise there to be sure. On the visual side of things artist Szymon Kudranski and colorist Frank D’Armata’s styles are a perfect fit for this harder edged side of the mutant world. The heavy shadows allow the X-Men in the midst of the darkness to truly act as the lone lights leading out of it, though the visuals also work on a purely surface level as well, including one X-23 sequence that had us mesmerized. At its core this book is a Psylocke story, though it’s also about loss, loneliness, and revenge, and at times it’s not the easiest of reads. Fallen Angels doesn’t hold back in the slightest, but if you give it a chance you’ll find an X-Book unlike anything else in “Dawn of X,” and that certainly has us coming back for more. — Matthew Aguilar

Rating: 4 out of 5


Future Foundation #3’s one-on-one between Lyja and Kl’Rath was but a tease for the faceoffs planned for the fourth issue. Every pair or trio of characters on opposing sides who’d been building up tensions between one another saw those frustrations explode in the fourth issue where we see battle after battle. It’s all succinctly bundled into a compact issue full of stylish clashes and foreboding implications for the conclusion of Future Foundation. — Tanner Dedmon

Rating: 4 out of 5

Marvel #2


If you’re hoping to see a grand space epic grow larger, you’ve come to the right place. The past few issues may have been a little stale in hindsight but gee dangit, this penultimate issue is exactly what it needed to be. The are a few lines (courtesy of Rocket Raccoon) that hit home for long-time Guardian fans and it’s pretty evident by now, this is some of the best Guardians material ever written. Cates manages to add some incredible depth to Kid Magus’ arc here and by the end of the issue, the little purple guy might be one of your favorites, thanks in part to a particularly gnarly scene. The only thing bad about the issue coming out means there’s only one book left in this top-shelf run. — Adam Barnhardt

Rating: 5 out of 5


This history has finally arrived at the modern era of Marvel Comics, starting with the introduction of the Thunderbolts and concluding not long after the events of Secret Invasion. Like every issue preceding it, there are many pages that are astounding on their own and a complete slog to read when set side-by-side with others. It’s possible to imagine this project tweaked ever so slightly to be a visual tapestry of big moments and events, perhaps sorted in chronological order, but lacking narration. Unfortunately, many pages are sub-divided between unrelated events, preventing them from succeeding as anything more than a fraction of themselves, and they are all accompanied by a never ending series of “and then” statements. This approach draws attention to the general incoherence of Marvel Comics history taken as a whole and distracts from the sole redeeming trait of this project: Javier Rodriguez’s masterful compositions. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 2 out of 5


The penultimate issue of Invaders reflects on the long histories shared by some of its core characters, and how the experiences of the past will always affect the future. This thread remains essential to the narrative of brothers-in-arms and provides a strong cliffhanger for the upcoming finale. However, it’s a distracted narrative within this issue, one that is too caught up in mad scientist plot threads to allow the characters and ideas much space to breathe. That the greater threat and stakes of Invaders continues to read like an inessential B-plot explains the gap between potential and reality. The character work and flashbacks remain potent, but the present is much more messy than those regular and rewarding looks back. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 3 out of 5



All in all, it’s a fairly solid outing from a leading writer and artist, but there’s just no spectacle or jaw-dropping moments. It sets up a plot that feels like a generic heist story from The Punisher; it’s very far from revolutionary. Luckily, there are two reveals sprinkled throughout that manage to snag your attention well enough you’ll want to return. Maybe future issues will improve on the debut retroactivelyโ€”you know, the Age of Ultron effect. In and of itself, however, Morbius #1 stopped short of wowing me in ways I expect from launch issues. — Adam Barnhardt

Rating: 3 out of 5


It’s hard to wrong with Garth Ennis writing the Punisher, and Punisher: Soviet #1 shows he still has that special touch. This narrative is bound up in the New York real estate market and how oligarchs have blurred the lines between crime and legit business to an uncomfortable degree. All of that requires a hefty amount of narration, but it’s carefully balanced with a visual narrative that delivers plenty of action. Jacen Burrows’ style and storytelling are well-suited to this sort of violence and general ugliness, never providing an inch of sympathy for any of the characters, while still keeping readers at the edge of their seats. This is another investigation of human darkness that is exciting without glorifying the violence committed by any one involved, and based on the last page Soviet is just getting started. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 4 out of 5


The Runaways are fully embracing their time with Doc Justice, and the end result is an excitingโ€”albeit slightly melancholicโ€”read. Rowell and Anka are as great as ever in this issue, which is peppered with unique dynamics, action sequences, and meme-worthy panels. Even though there’s a feeling that things in this arc will (inevitably) go to the wayside, this issue is such a genuine delight through and through. — Jenna Andersonโ€จ

Rating: 5 out of 5

Marvel #3


After spending most of this arc separate, our heroes are finally coming together after their travails, but Darth Vader’s villainy cares not for the happy reunion, as he is set to thwart any hope that our heroes have for the Rebellion’s future. With only one issue to go, this penultimate chapter in the series may have only been setting the stage for theย Star Warsย finale, but the writing and art all offer an authentic and entertaining interpretation of our favorite original trilogy characters, making for an exciting read. This issue might not have featured any major revelations and, while we know that this book leads into the events ofย Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, the stage is set to send this series out with a bang that is worthy of the more than 70 issues that came before it. — Patrick Cavanaugh

Rating: 4 out of 5


Jedi Cere and Eno continue their investigation into a Jedi Temple while also aiming to solve a conflict on Ontotho, only to suffer an attack that could put an end to their mission. Unless you are truly devoted to any and all stories involving Jedi, this book will be tough to get through. There’s nothing particularly disappointing about this specific issue, but the dynamics between all of the various characters are far less engaging than most other narratives that drive Star Wars books forward, even if we’re unfamiliar with those books’ characters. The book is harmless, but readers aren’t so much treated to an engaging and necessary story so much as we’re given a narrative that could have been summed up in a cutscene for the video game it is promoting. With one issue left, the book still has the potential to surprise us with something truly great, but we aren’t counting on it based on these first four chapters. — Patrick Cavanaugh

Rating: 2 out of 5


Being captured by Darth Vader and tortured for information by the Empire would slow down most people, but not Valance. The bounty hunter surely won’t let such a trivial things as being a “prisoner” stop him from his goal of killing Vader, as readers learn why his hatred for the Sith Lord runs so deep. If you’re reading this book, odds are you aren’t as drawn to the complex narrative, but instead have been desperate to see an iconic Legends character go toe to toe with Vader. In that regard, this issue continues to deliver on fan-fiction premise, with Valance proving why he is such a beloved character among the fandom, while also learning just enough backstory to make him slightly more complex than a standard “badass,” while also avoiding delivering him a detailed emotional arc. Whatever happens in the next issue, it will be tough to disappoint readers who have been on the journey this long and wonder who the toughest character in the Star Wars galaxy really is. — Patrick Cavanaugh

Rating: 4 out of 5


It’s time to say goodbye to The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, and while we’re sad that it’s come to an end, it’s going out by embracing everything we’ve grown to love. Writer Ryan North highlight’s Doreen’s most endearing traits from the first page to the last, and it’s hard not to love how she approaches even the more dire circumstances with hope and compassion. The book is charming, hilarious, and sports a one of a kind sequence between Squirrel Girl and Galactus that, well, you just won’t see in anywhere else. Artist Derek Charm and colorist Rico Renzi bring these sequences to delightful life and infuse every page with a sense of heart and optimism that has become the book’s trademark. Squirrel Girl has been a delight for 50 issues, and thankfully she’s going out on a high note. — Matthew Aguilar

Rating: 5 out of 5

X-MEN #2

With the full cycle of “Dawn of X” now complete, X-Men has the first second issue of Jonathan Hickman’s reign as Head of X. It shows the potential in this intricate Dawn of X machine, with Hickman making minor references to almost every other series that has debuted since X-Men #1. It makes the entire X-Men universe feel like a finely woven tapestry within being so knotted as to lose anyone following X-Men alone. Hickman continues to write an excellent Cyclops, and seeing his wry interaction with his children, Cable and Prestige, is a delight. It’s unfortunate that Leinil Francis Yu is incapable of communicating that wryness, instead of forcing straight-faced dourness over Hickman’s more buoyant dialogue. Despite that, solid characterizations and intriguing big ideas win out, even if Hickman seems to be falling back on certain of his favorite tropes and stock characters. — Jamie Lovett

Rating: 4 out of 5

Other Publishers #1


We’re still only three issues into this new era of Battlepug, but the series is proving to be a bizarre and delightful experience. Norton and company craft an issue that’s zany in all the right ways (thanks to a perfectly-executed My Little Pony homage), but also filled with epic fights and genuinely interesting character moments. Even the issue’s backup story from Kelly Williams is genuinely entertaining, and answers a question that you didn’t know you needed to ask about a previous installment. — Jenna Andersonโ€จ

Rating: 4 out of 5


There is only one way to describe IDW’s Big Hero 6: The Series #1: adorable. The issue, made up of two storiesโ€”one written by Hannah Blumenreich and one by Joe Caramagna both with art by Nicoletta Baldariโ€”is nothing short of a lighthearted delight. Both stories largely focus on Fred and are both just so bright, charming, and fun that you hardly miss the rest of the team’s cast. The art is quite a bit of fun as well. While the book is one that fans have been waiting for for quite some time, that wait is well worth it. Everything here works this brightly colored, energetic, absolutely fresh and fun reminder that adventures don’t have to involve big bads, just the imagination. It’s an absolute winner. — Nicole Drum

Rating: 5 out of 5


And just like that, the crossover event of the summer is officially complete. More than anything this series ended as if it feels like part one of a two-part story. Without giving too much away, this mini does end with plenty of plot points unresolved so hopefully it’s but a matter of time before a second part is announced otherwise a lot of you might end up pretty disappointed. — Adam Barnhardt

Rating: 3 out of 5


This sequel to the recently reinvented Cosmo raises the question of exactly which niche in comics this property is intended to fill. It follows in the tradition of Archie’s excellent management of adventure properties, like Sonic the Hedgehog, but fails to distinguish itself. For young readers there’s a well-presented recap and a handful of charming gags to accompany the action. However, there’s nothing present in Cosmo: The Mighty Martian that stands out as being unique. This issue reads as though there’s a mandate for Archie to produce an action comic for children without any larger purpose. Tracy Yardley’s cartooning is excellent, but it ultimately presents a fine surface to a largely hollow concept. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 3 out of 5


There’s nothing terrifying, sinister, or even entertaining about this particular collection of comics and other materials. The vast majority of this issue is dedicated to two comics that it’s almost impossible to recommend. They feature clunky narration and premises that might entice only a handful of patrons entering comic book stores this week. The issues best (and perhaps only) redeeming quality comes in the back up material. A gag strip and some collected prose far exceeds the first 20+ pages of this collection in providing something of substantial quality. It’s far from enough to recommend this issue, but it’s something. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 2 out of 5


ElfQuest enters a new era with the first issue of Stargazer’s Hunt. With Cutter Kinseeker’s quest now complete, the focus turns to his “brother in all but blood,” Skywise. Even living in paradise, Skywise remains perturbed by his friend and chief’s absence. He investigates and uncovers a final page reveal that is sure to have the ElfQuest fandom buzzing in the week’s between leading up to the second issue. With ElfQuest co-creator Wendy Pini stepping down as the series artist and focusing on co-writing the story with Richard Pini, Sonny Strait steps in and does an admirable job of taking those reigns. His characters are recognizable and his lines are bit softer than Pini’s, which may enhance the colors (color ElfQuest always being a slightly different flavor than black and white ElfQuest). ElfQuest: Stargazer’s Hunt is going to sink its hooks deep into ElfQuest fans in the best possible ways. — Jamie Lovett

Rating: 4 out of 5



Family Tree #1 features a car crash, a gunfight, and visions of a post-apocalyptic future, but the most frightening panel of the issue simply features a family of three gathered around their dinner table on a chilly spring night. This one panel and the looming darkness framing it captures the atomization and accompanying loneliness of modern life as society prepares to shatter at the end of the 90s. It’s the thematic core of this debut and a promise that there’s a lot more to Family Tree than another sci-fi pitch (in a long line of sci-fi pitches) from Image Comics. This story of a young girl who grew into a tree and the subsequent collapse of society features both an exciting plot and a much more intimate portrait of how scary it is to feel alone, even as we are surrounded by others. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 4 out of 5

Other Publishers #2


Folklords #1 shows a lot of promise. We’ve seen mythical quest stories and coming of age adventures a million times over, but Matt Kindt’s new BOOM series seems to know that as questing is a central part of reaching adulthood in this new village, and there’s hints in the margins that this book might be digging into the deconstruction of classic mythical tales. Ansel is fun as far as protagonists go, and his gimmick of wearing modern clothes and visions of the real world is a fun twist on the “kid who feels like an outsider while discovering himself” trope. It’ll be interesting to see where this goes. — Connor Casey

Rating: 4 out of 5


Ghosted in L.A. has hit its stride as both a character drama and low-key supernatural thriller. Both its living and deceased cast have defined a comfortable status quo, which allows both for small moments of humor and joy alongside small threats to that status quo. The arrival of an old friend and introduction of the manor’s seemingly ancient roots alike provide plenty of intrigue, even as this issue provides plenty of reasons to love this world as it already exists. A strong touch of romantic comedy genre elements strengthens this particular issue immensely. It might have taken some doing to get here, but this series appears to finally have all of the right pieces in place and is moving towards a bright (or dark, depending on your perspective) future. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 4 out of 5


I’ve said it before and it remains true nowโ€”just when you think this issue has opened up too many plot points, something comes along and resolves it all as satisfactorily as possible. Gideon Falls #18 is another such issue as there’s at least one major question answered and suddenly, everything starts to make a whole lot of sense. One thing that’s evident by this issue is that the creative team isn’t afraid to take risks, something apparent by one of the series most grotesque moments. All in all, Gideon Falls has never moved more quickly ahead and this month’s book is one of the strongest yet. — Adam Barnhardt

Rating: 5 out of 5


Go Go Power Rangers #25 continues to fill in the gaps between “Shattered Grid” and the formation of the Omega Rangers, but it also carves out some time to explore some of your favorite Rangers in a more personal way. Writers Ryan Parrott and Sina Grace continue to unearth new layers of Jason and Tommy, though the most impressive work here is done with the Emissary, both from a character and visual perspective. Not only is he humanized to an exceptional degree, but artist Francesco Mortarino and colorist Raul Angulo work magic with his design throughout the issue, and add such a fluidity and energy to his character with the constantly shifting suits. We’re loving this new spin on White Light, and while there is a bit too much decompression here, the fresh elements more than make up for that drawback. — Matthew Aguilar

Rating: 4 out of 5


Hellmouth #2 picks up with Angel and Buffy on the hunt for Drusilla. In classic Buffy the Vampire Slayer fashion, the effects of the Hellmouth opening are manifesting as a reflection of problems in the real world. Also in Buffy tradition, writers Jordie Bellaire and Jeremy Lambert cut the tension with well-placed humor in the dialogue between Angel and Buffy. Seeing the two of them thrown into the deep like this when, in this continuity, they’ve only just met feels fresh and interesting. Eleanora Carlini shows what she’s capable of with some inventive page layouts that treat panels as part of a whole rather than isolated shots. Ed Dukeshire pulls off some fun tricks with the spatial placement of lettering, hiding sound effects behind speech balloons to represent distance and volume. Cris Peter’s color choices, showing hell in purples and grays instead of the typical reds, make this a distinct take on the dark abyss. So far, the first Buffy and Angel comics crossover is a worthwhile trip through the gates of Hell. — Jamie Lovett

Rating: 4 out of 5


Marvel Action: Spider-Man formally adds one more Spidey character to the crew in its chaotic eleventh issue. This whole issue is pretty much 70% fights with some drama and laughs making up the rest of Spider-Man #11, but it overall probably could’ve done with being just a few pages shorter. Though filled with action, the main fight probably went on a bit longer than it should’ve where quips replaced impactful moments, but it at least had some imposing designs for Spider-Man’s villains and sometimes-villains to back it up. — Tanner Dedmon

Rating: 4 out of 5


Eduardo Risso’s artwork remains the reason to read Moonshine. The newest issue offers a solid jumping on point for readers interested in this pulpy, werewolf tale, providing a new locale and set of characters set to expand the terrain. Both a watercolor-enhanced nightmare and Risso’s typical, hardlines make every page of this issue worth examining. However, there’s not much beyond the style to sell this comic. The current stakes of a poker game and deals with witches hinge on characters who are barely defined or generally unlikable. While it’s possible to imagine this story growing into something far more chilling, for now it appears to be spinning its wheels and chewing on some potent southern imagery with just enough sense of direction to keep it rolling. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 3 out of 5

Other Publishers #3


Reaver #5 is out with a new update that changes the game yet again. Fans follow the ragtag hostages as one of their own shows his true character. When the chips are down, a shocking revelation about the gang’s true master is made which will leave jaws on the floor. And by the end of the issue, fans will be wondering if any of the leads will make it out of Reaver alive.ย — Megan Peters

Rating: 4 out of 5


This week, Ronin Island #8 goes live with yet another game-changing release. Fans meet up with Hana as she saves her rival from certain death, and their party expands by one when Chakan shows his true allegiance. In order to save the Island, the group travels tirelessly until a byonin shows off a new power, but it turns out their homeland is far more powerful than they left it. — Megan Peters

Rating: 5 out of 5


Even as Sea of Stars nears its conclusion, it seems unable to manage its two converging plot threads. The mystical elements of the story are undefined resulting in a cliffhanger that isn’t nearly as impactly as it assumes and plenty of moments throughout this issue that fail to deliver much excitement. Crossovers and mounting suspense aren’t clearly delivered by artwork that is increasingly muddy in nature too. What was originally one of this series strongest elements has become rushed to no clear end in backgrounds that crumble under the weight of deadlines or a lack of concern. While it might be for the best that this story seems to be reaching a conclusion of sorts, it’s too bad that the journey wasn’t better considered. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 2 out of 5


The third issue of Three Fates reorients the reader and its narrative when it introduces the counter-balance for its police-focused introduction. Crime in a small town is typically a very personal affair and that isn’t any different at the end of the rail line in Russia. Emerging answers raise new questions in a story that only becomes more tragic with each twist of the knife, whether it’s shown or simply implied. It’s a sad, sordid affair made human with clear emotions and familiar stakes. Even without the looming Tree, this would be an engrossing bit of drama filled with plenty of twists to keep any reader engaged as petty cruelties and small mistakes threaten to undo an entire community and ensure readers will need to tap their toes while awaiting #4. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 4 out of 5


Things were getting a bit stale in the first two issues of Triage even with interdimensional assassins and shared identities trying to liven things up. It seemed like a change of setting was in order to move to one of the more compelling worlds Triage offers, and in this third issue, exactly that has happened with moderately positive results. This wasteland world Marco comes from is by far more visually impressive than the normal Earth the story’s been set in, though it’s not nearly as vibrant or full of possibilities as the neon, futuristic setting that’s only been teased. Teams and other relationships start forming in this new setting as more conflicts arise and the spring is packed with tension, so hopefully the next issue and the rest of the issue can ride the launch smoothly. — Tanner Dedmon

Rating: 3 out of 5


Usagi Yojimbo #5 perfectly blends the “monster of the week” and “mythos” styles of storytelling in an issue bound to please first time readers and those who have been with the series since its start. This installment suggests a change in direction that is a long time coming, one that finds its roots in the ronin rabbits origins. The history behind this moment is easily introduced to newer readers and presents itself as a chilling ghost story that requires no investment to be enjoyed. The throughline is an examination of loyalty and how that important ideal can uplift or destroy men in moments of difficulty. Both the snow swept vistas of Japan and monster-infused action alike are wonderfully presented in a single issue that shows a masterful storyteller really can do it all in this succinct issue. — Chase Magnett

Rating: 5 out of 5