Happy new comic book day! It’s another big week in the world of comics, and the ComicBook staff have come together to break down and review as many of the new releases from this week as possible. Now obviously this isn’t every single comic on stands, but we’re breaking down new releases from Marvel, DC, Image Comics, BOOM! Studios, Dark Horse, Dynamite, Oni Press, IDW, Mad Cave Studios, DSTLRY, and more!
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We’ve also carved out some additional space for three of this week’s biggest books in Star Wars: A New Legacy #1, The Seasons #1, and Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1, so if our smaller reviews here pique your interest, make sure to check out the full reviews for a much more comprehensive analysis of those issues. As for ratings, we keep things simple with a whole or half number out of five, and you can check out some of our previous reviews right here. With all that said, let’s get to this week’s new comics!

DC’s Lex and The City #1
Such is the case with any anthology one-shot, Lex and the City (a new Valentine’s Day-themed special from DC) is hit and miss across its 80 pages of story, and in a funny twist of fate, the villain-centric tales from the issue end up being the best. Highlights include the titular story, a Lex Luthor/Trish Q story from writer-artist Sina Grace; a Harley/Ivy tale from Maggie Tokuda-Hall and Leslie Hung (with some adorable visuals); a Mr. Freeze story from Jonathan Rivera and Michael Avon Oeming; plus a Riddler story from Sabrina Futh and M.L. Sanapo. There aren’t necessarily any bad stories out of the others, but the ones focusing on the ne’er-do-wells of DC leave the bigger impression. – Spencer Perry
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
DC Power: Rise of the Power Company #1
We’re at the time of year when the publishers break out their Black History Month books and for DC, that’s DC Power: Rise of the Power Company #1. The book contains four stories featuring various Black DC heroes and they are each good stories. They focus on the fallout from Amanda Waller’s actions and have a strong focus on the heroes rebuilding their lives and reclaiming their powers in this changed landscape with a side of dealing with some truly important things like family. Framing all of it is a story featuring Josiah Power that sees him trying to restart the Power Company as he faces his own struggles and demons. Each of the stories are solid — and it appears that Josiah’s story will continue in Black Lightning. The only real “problem” with the issue is that, as is the case with most special anthologies like this, we don’t get to see the characters again in larger stories and that’s a real shame. – Nicole Drum
Rating: 4 out of 5
Green Lantern #19
Green Lantern #19 is a testament to how strong the Green Lantern corner of the universe has become over the past two years, balancing a host of characters and bigger level plotlines without losing the book’s heart and soul. Jeremy Adams has bought so much life to Hal and Carol’s dynamic, and without sacrificing what makes them unique a individuals in he process. That said, his biggest money move might just be a new team that no one likely saw coming, and yet it is already one of my favorite things going. That team-up is made even better due to the brilliance of artists Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, and Jason Paz, as well as colorist Romulo Fajardo Jr. and letterer Dave Sharpe, who bring so much to every single scene thanks to their vivid expressions and creative constructs. Green Lantern is hitting on all cylinders, and it couldn’t be a better time to jump onboard. – Matthew Aguilar
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Superman: Lex Luthor Special #1
Superman has been on an all-time run, and one of the biggest reasons for that success can be attributed to how fulfilling the series is for longtime readers. Whether it be one-shots, back=up stories, or just small asides within a larger story, it all feels like it contributes to a greater whole, and will most certainly pay off somewhere down the line. A perfect example of this in action is the Superman: Lex Luthor Special, which not only moves the story of Lex and Superman forward, but also affects everything and everyone in the Superman world in some sort of profound way, and all within a story that can’t help but draw upon some level of empathy for one of DC’s greatest villains. It’s simply phenomenal, and builds upon a run that set that high bar in the first place. – Matthew Aguilar
Rating: 5 out of 5 (Read the full review here)

Deadpool #10
After being thought dead for all of three issues (Or was it four? Maybe five?), Wade Wilson is back and he’s attempting to be a father who introduces his sword-slinging daughter to the family business. This issue sees Deadpool and Ellie teaming up to sharpen their skills while under the tutelage of “frenemy” Taskmaster, creating some humorous situations and letting the two Pools bounce off one another. Wade and his daughter’s relationship is an infectious one and is one of the highlights of the series so far, especially with how the final page might throw said relationship to turmoil. Ultimately, the tenth issue feels like one of the better representations of this current run so far and hopefully, Ziglar can continue leaning into what works. – Evan Valentine
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Hellhunters #2
I’m a sucker for the supernatural in my comic book universes and Hellhunters does well in blending the grittiness of World War 2 and the grotesque side of the Marvel Universe. In the second issue, the supernatural super group is joined by a certain Canucklehead and while his introduction is fast and furious, he does add an interesting angle to the group. Much like the first issue, Hellhunters does a good job of balancing the horrors of war and the supernatural, even going so far as to recreate a legendary real-life set piece with some horrifying grotesques. Hellhunters is a wild ride and I’m having a ball so far.
– Evan Valentine
Rating: 4 out of 5
Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #4
You know you have something special when even the book’s resident therapist is a complete badass, but that’s pretty par for the course or Moon Knight. Jed MacKay reigns in the team fun of past issues and puts the focus solely on Marc, Jake, and Steven, making for some enlightening and at times hilarious observations amongst he trio about Moon Knight’s current state of mind and his perception of Fairchild and what he represents. Artist Devmalya Pramanik and colorist Rachelle Rosenberg are weavers of magic throughout the issue, with stunning pinks and oranges bringing warmth to the most isolated of places as Moon Knight’s piercing white costume splits the darkness in half. The creativity in the panels and how they flow is stunning, especially in the book’s bloody latter half. It’s all leading to a showdown that should be epic, and I’ve already got a ticket and my popcorn.
– Matthew Aguilar
Rating: 5 out of 5
Psylocke #3
If Psylocke #3 confirms anything it’s that Kwannon and John Greycrow make a pretty solid pairing. It’s a shame that the series keeps sidelining John instead of lettering that chemistry flourishes, though the desire to ensure Psylocke remains the lead of her book is understandable. Unfortunately, the rest of the comic leaves something to be desired. Structured as less of a story and more of a series of expositional scenes, Psylocke #3 reveals the identity of the antagonist seemingly trying to provoke Kwannon. That character’s origin is mired in unflattering tropes about disabled bodies housing malevolent personalities (though I’ll try to hold judgment until the character has fully debuted in the next issue, allowing for the chance of subversion). There’s lots of action in the issue, none of it memorable, rendered with uncharismatic colors, depriving the scenes of any aesthetic mood, and mostly depicted via busy panels that use afterimages to show Psylocke in several flashy poses at the same time, eliminating any sense of momentum, fluidity, or motion. At three issues in, Psylocke feels like a pilot for a better version of itself, making a decent enough case for Kwannon as a solo star (or paired with Greycrow), but lacking enough in substance and polish to suggest that the concept could have stood to be reworked before being sent to print. – Jamie Lovett
Rating: 2 out of 5
Spider-Boy #15
Without an ounce of hyperbole, there’s one moment in Spider-Boy #15 that literally had me laughing out loud, and it was literally just two characters sharing some pre-fight banter. Those moments are one of the many reasons I adore this series, and they are woven heavily throughout issue 15. Dan Slott has a gift for comedic timing and witty banter, and the issue leans into that with excellent results, though that’s also thanks to the stellar work of Paco Medina, Erick Arciniega, and Joe Caramagna. The talented team brings so much life and personality to these already charming characters, and yet can switch easily to unexpected moments of brutality when the situation calls for it. The only thing holding this particular story back is the actual stakes of the tournament. The stakes are established clearly, but they just aren’t resonating with me. Thankfully here’s enough lovely character work and charm that it’s relatively easy to overlook, and that unexpected ending has me intrigued for what’s around the next corner. – Matthew Aguilar
Rating: 4 out of 5
Star Wars: A New Legacy #1
Many Star Wars fans found themselves despondent when it was announced that Disney would not be counting the original “Extended Universe” as canon, and quite honestly, it’s understandable. There was such a large amount of stories following characters old and new across multiple mediums that many Jedi and Sith fans found themselves able to find tales that otherwise would have never been told on the screen. Luckily, Marvel Comics has been taking a somewhat similar approach to its Star Wars comics, introducing new characters while also examining stories revolving around beloved characters of the past. With Star Wars: A New Legacy, Marvel has created an excellent entry point for those who want a breakdown of some of these big comic characters not seen in the bigger media.
– Evan Valentine
Rating: 4 out of 5 (Read the full review here)
Storm: Lifedream #1
It’s wild to think that Storm is celebrating her 50th anniversary this year, but Marvel is giving her a special book to celebrate with Storm: Lifedream #1. Very broadly, Storm: Lifedream #1 is an odd story, framing the idea of Storm’s history and future within a sci-fi story where her “record” is being archived, but while she’s being scanned for the record — which is something she doesn’t have any knowledge of or even gave permission for — something goes wrong and it turns into a race that Storm has to win to keep herself form being replaced. The story superficially revisits some of the more difficult moments of Storm’s history and while the ultimate message is solid, it feels a little strange to “celebrate” one of comics’ greatest heroines by only revisiting her tragedies. Still, it’s a must read for Storm fans and the various art throughout is a treat. – Nicole Drum
Rating: 3 out of 5
Ultimate X-Men #11
There are some comic books that I review where I had to pique my brain when it comes to thinking of new ways to sing their praises, but with Ultimate X-Men, I find myself thinking the opposite. I understand what Peach Momoko is going for with the Ultimate Universe’s take on mutants but it simply continues to fall apart in most respects. This story would have worked so much better as a side story, an ancillary book that wasn’t the main entryway to the Ultimate Universe’s “X-Men” which they can still hardly be called eleven issues in. I also feel that Momoko’s stylized work in this issue in particular fails to capitalize on the artistic strengths of previous entries, especially when it comes to the lack of detail on the characters’ faces. Time and again, Ultimate X-Men feels like a weight dragging down an otherwise amazing outing from the new Ultimate Universe and I’m hoping that something can be done to right the ship. – Evan Valentine
Rating: 2 out of 5
West Coast Avengers #3
West Coast Avengers’ slightly retro aesthetic remains charming, affecting a more realistic, grounded approach to its characters but with a velvety, marker-like quality to the coloring that makes the whole thing feel lush and decadent. West Coast Avengers #3 reads quickly, and its opening explanation for why there are suddenly multiple Ultrons with differing personalities running around isn’t entirely satisfying. However, the team still has a delightfully dysfunctional dynamic that leads to certain members acting out during their first encounter with The One in a way where the Avengers could be accused of being in the wrong. On its face, The One’s offer is seemingly benevolent, and one humanity would only take of its own free will while Tony Stark suggests a more direct and arguably less moral approach. Whether or not West Coast Avengers will meaningfully unpack the philosophical quandary that its heroes find themselves mired in remains to be seen, but even if all of that is background noise it still makes for a fun time and a fine entry into the barely functional superhero team subgenre of comics. – Jamie Lovett
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
X-Men #10
The current volume of X-Men continues to live in the shadow of the late 1990s/early 2000s comics that it displays such reverence for. X-Men #10 sees Cyclops confronting ONE’s Agent Luindqvist as a newly revealed team of mutant mercenaries that Cyke has on psychic speed dial (with a roster comprised primarily of characters from the turn of the century era) does some covert sabotage and property damage. The standoff illuminates much of what’s missing from Jed McKay’s characterizations of Cyclops. The mutant leader’s game of political brinkmanship comes off as petty instead of powerful, his posture militant without being revolutionary, his cause not backed by righteousness but by a might-makes-right mentality, as if Scott Summers somehow unlearned many of the leadership traits that made him the face of the X-Men for years. The artwork doesn’t do much to enliven the story. The characters are serviceably drawn, but the beginning of the issue is marked by chaotic panel layouts that feel over-the-top compared to what is happening in the story. Eventually, artist Paco Diaz settles down, contrasting the straightforward grid depicting Cyke’s conversation with Lundqvist against the more dynamic panels of the Hellions’ destructive mission, and pulling out some clever formal tricks as things get heated in the former. Still, that’s hardly enough for this series to break free from the sense that it is a lesser imitation of better comics that came before it. – Jamie Lovett
Rating: 2 out of 5
Image Comics

Ice Cream Man #43
Ice Cream Man continues to find new ways to reinvent itself, with series creators W. Maxwell Prince & Martin Morazzo bringing in some heavy hitters to tell one page horror stories. Industry titans like Grant Morrison, Kelly Sue Deconnick, Matt Fraction, and Zoe Thorogood pen some of these stories, which do well with the form and show off the chops that each of them are known for to a great degree. Prince ends up writing the majority of the one-pagers himself, but he brings the trademark wit, dark humor, and form-breaking ideas that have made Ice Cream Man a mainstay. – Spencer Perry
Rating: 5 out of 5
Redcoat #9
Redcoat’s latest issue introduces the Ghost Machine’s take on Johnny Appleseed, and in doing so, introduces one of my favorite supporting characters to Simon Pure’s journey so far. In fact, Johnny might work well here as a permanent foil to Pure, acting as his “Jimminy Cricket” along the way. Geoff Johns has a good grasp on both characters here while also giving us both a story that is as big as its ambitions along with giving Bryan Hitch plenty to chew on. Hitch’s art is some of the best I’ve seen from him on this current run, capturing some amazing action scenes as Pure and Appleseed butt heads. This was one of the most fun issues of Redcoat to date, slipping in American mythology with Simon’s continuing time travel adventures and here’s hoping the future issues stick with this formula.
– Evan Valentine
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
The Seasons #1
The bottom line is there is nothing quite like The Seasons. A story of layers and mystery that blends genre both visually and narratively, this is a very well-crafted first issue and while Remender can sometimes take a high concept and fly a little too close to the sun to fully pull it off, the wings built with this issue feel sturdy thanks to careful characterization and incredible art. It’s a fantastic kick off for something that feels truly special.
– Nicole Drum
Rating: 5 out of 5 (Read the full review here)
Other Publishers

Masters of The Universe/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles of GreySkull #3
The best comic book crossovers between two separate universes are normally the ones that show off the strengths of both locales, which the Heroes and The Half Shell and the Masters of The Universe are able to do with the latest issue of their “team-up.” Rather than seeing Prince Adam teaming up with Mikey, Leo, Raph, and Donny, He-Man swaps places with the Turtle boys and vice versa. This crossover is one that feels like a Saturday Morning Cartoon come to life, cramming in plenty of characters and lore into its pages. With this penultimate issue, Seeley and Williams are still able to slip in some grin-inducing moments for fans of both franchises. Hopefully, the conclusion can stick the landing with what we’ve seen so far. – Evan Valentine
Rating: 4 out of 5
Star Trek: Defiant #23
The deepening of Worf’s relationship with his son, Alexander, is a great gift that Star Trek: Defiant has given to Star Trek fans. It’s a relationship frequently sidelines by both Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine in favor of more straightforward Starfleet problems, ironically mirroring Worf’s negligence of his son in favor of his duties. Christopher Cantwell has managed to merge those stories, addressing past failures and entangling Alexander’s redemption to Worf finally embracing the parental role he struggled with previously. The resolution of Star Trek: Defiant #23’s plot is somewhat oversimplified — if only getting greedy corporate opportunists to do the right thing (or at least a slightly righter thing) was as easy as getting a more physically capable person close enough to bully them properly — but Angel Unzueta and Marissa Louise deliver the visual goods, as usual, blending Defiant’s relatively stark aesthetic with the action called on by this particularly violent issue. Add in the tense B-plot unfolding aboard the Defiant, and you’ve got another stellar issue of the series. – Jamie Lovett
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles #6
Following up the murderer’s row of A-list artistic talents that kicked off IDW Publishing’s recently relaunched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series seems like it should be a challenge, yet Juan Ferreyra seems up to it. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6 is Ferreyra’s debut as the series’ new regular artist and they are quick to impress. Ferrerya’s style combines firmly rendered characters with inventive poses and panel framing that often sends characters taking the brunt of an impact hurling straight at the reader, their grimacing mouth exposing every tooth within. Providing this weight and detail connects his style to the gritty look of the Mirage-era comics but how he achieves that grit differs drastically from how Laird and Eastman conveyed it in their work, keeping the issue from feeling like a pastiche. Additionally, TMNT #6 is the first issue where all four Turtles are back together under Jason Aaron’s pen. The Turtles’ voices are certainly changed from the previous volume of the series but mostly in a way that can be explained by their year apart (Michelangelo may take some longtime IDW readers aback pause as his previously soft, emotionally intelligent characterization is buried under a turn to petulant celebrity status, which is not an inexplicable development, and one that picks up threads from the end of the previous series, but a drastic one). However, the tense bickering between the brothers rings true and helps amplify the tension in what is essentially an issue-long high-octane chase sequence that’ll have readers’ blood pumping. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #6 solidifies the series’ status as a must-read title. – Jamie Lovett
Rating: 5 out of 5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II – Re-Evolution #4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin II – Re-Evolution #4 is a dense comic. Its many pages are packed with many panels, each panel cramped with many characters, each character speaking many words in many word balloons. Part of this stems from The Last Ronin II’s attempt to develop an entire world out of The Last Ronin, which was seemingly conceived of as a singular story. This has left Re-Evolution to attempt worldbuilding on the fly, introducing various factions and new allies into the new Turtles’ orbit, while keeping the plot moving at a reasonable clip. It hasn’t been a perfectly balanced act — the villains, in particular, feel underdeveloped in this go around as much more time has been spent individualizing the new generation of TMNT, both in terms of personality and their powers — and the laying of all that groundwork does slow the story’s pace. However, it is also paying some dividends, as a lively cast of supporting characters is starting to take shape around the new TMNT. There are also moments in this book that will surprise and delight longtime Ninja Turtle fans. The latter part of the issue where all of the narrative scaffolding falls away and we get to see the new Turtles in action, without supervision, for the first time is a great payoff that sets the stage for the next issue’s big finale. – Jamie Lovett
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
The Book of Cutter #1
Something Is Killing the Children has become a master at looking back to propel a story forward, and nowhere is that more apparent than The Book of Cutter #1. The team of James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, Antonio Fuso, Letizia Cadonici, Miquel Muerto, and Andworld Design dive into the House of Cutter’s history and origins and the people who found themselves at the center of expanding their influence in the old and new world. It’s a credit to the world that’s been built that the long swaths of text (presented as letters and correspondence from key figures) were just as immersive as the present day story, so while it might be a bit much for those who don’t already have an appreciation for the franchise, those who are already fans will find it difficult to turn away, especially as the connections become more and more apparent as the story plays out. The artwork is as top tier as ever, especially in the shifts to the past, giving you just enough of a glimpse to send your imagination into nightmare scenarios. If you’re already a fan of the franchise, this is simply outstanding, and while it might not be as approachable for newer fans, the brilliant storytelling still might be able to win you over. – Matthew Aguilar
Rating: 4.5 out of 5