The CW aired an extended preview of “Schott Through the Heart”, the upcoming fourteenth episode of Supergirl‘s third season during Black Lightning Tuesday night.
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The episode will see Supergirl return from a nine-week hiatus that accommodated the back half of Legends of Tomorrow’s third season and as you can see in the promo, the Girl of Steel returns on a somber note with the death of Winn’s (Jeremy Jordan) father, Winslow Schott Sr./Toyman (Henry Czerny). However, even in death Toyman is a threat. Check out the extended promo below.
❤️💙Lo sabemos… hace falta #Supergirl.
Así que te presentamos en exclusiva nueva promoción de su regreso el lunes 16 de abril💙❤️.
— TuSubtitulo (@tu_subtitulo) April 4, 2018
As you can see, Toyman’s twisted “playtime” doesn’t stop with his death. His terror play continues beyond the grave with not only his own coffin exploding, but a series of bombs in flying monkey toys. While previous promos have hinted that the person behind the bombs is actually Winn’s mother (played by Laurie Metcalf), this new promo adds a bit of dialogue with her trying to explain to Winn that his father didn’t just wake up evil one morning. She seems to be implying that it was a process — potentially one that Winn himself might go through.
Supergirl fans may remember that Winn’s family history is pretty complicated. His father openly operated as the villainous Toyman. He was in prison after blowing up his boss’ office but escaped in the episode “Childish Things” and attempted then to recruit Winn in his evil crusade. This promo, with Winn’s mother attempting to explain the father to the son, might just be trying to do the same thing only with a much lighter touch.
However, whatever her plan for Winn, things look pretty serious for Supergirl as well. She appears to be encased in some sort of mold and on the verge of passing out. Mon-El (Chris Wood) and Alex (Chyler Leigh) also appear in the trailer, both of them running as though they are looking for Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), possibly to save her — and National City — before playtime takes an even darker turn.
Supergirl returns Monday, April 16th at 8/7c on The CW.