The Flash Recap With Spoilers: Everything You Missed in "Phantoms"

Last week on The Flash, Team Flash realized that they were dealing with a new meta serial killer, one that uses mysterious cold flames to burn their victims to death. With no clues as to who the meta is or who they will strike next, the team starts trying to figure out how they will be able to protect Central City from this latest threat. Meanwhile, Iris heads to Coast City on the trail of a story while also waiting for news on her time sickness. Need to find out what happened on this week's episode of The Flash? We've got you covered with our recap, but just know there are full spoilers beyond this point for "Phantoms."

At Barry and Iris' loft, Deon gives Iris a checkup for her temporal sickness and declares that she's all good, but she tells him about the recent issues she's been having with losing time and hazy memories. Before he leaves, however, he notices issues, specifically mutations he's never seen before. He goes to ask for some assistance in figuring it out and tells her he'll find her when he knows more. Meanwhile at STAR Labs, the rest of Team Flash is working the case of the mysterious Fire Meta and Chester comes up with a device that will let them track the killer's unusual power signature, but Chester seems very disturbed by things.

At Iris' office, Sue stops by. Black Hole is gone, and her parents are in prison and she's now handling business. Sue is headed to Coast City to inspect some hotels she owns and tells them about the stories about a possible meta in Coast City — the Coast City Phantom. Allegra suggests that it would make a great story and Iris jumps on the idea of going with Sue to investigate.

Chester's device gets a hit and The Flash speeds off but is too late. The victim is dead and the meta seemingly nowhere to be found. Chester and Barry talk about things at the crime scene and refer to what he saw as Black Fire and it being like nothing he's ever seen. Chester is still visibly disturbed. One of the black flames still exists so Chester uses a special device to contain that flame.

In Coast City, Sue and Iris chat. Sue wants to know what's up with Iris, but they get a hit on the mystery meta and track them to Jitters where they find a young woman, Tinya. Iris approaches Tinya and offers to help her the way she did The Flash years ago. But Tinya doesn't want help and fries Iris' phone before leaving. Back in Central City, Chester and Barry are having no luck trying to use the flame to narrow things down. Barry leaves to talk to Kramer, but Chester is uncomfortable in the lab alone and he soon discovers that the flame is no longer in containment. However, it turns out to just be a nightmare. Chuck had fallen asleep at the desk. Cecile realizes something's off with Chuck.

Sue and Iris work together to come up with a plan to find Tinya, but Sue also presses Iris for what the real issue is. Iris confides in Sue about her time sickness. Iris is worried things are really bad. Sue tells her that she can't run from her fear. Iris then realizes that Tinya might be running from something, too, and gets an idea of where to find her.

At STAR, Chester is still shaken, but Allegra sits and talks with him. While they chat, however, the flame escapes again and Allegra can see it this time, too. They realize this isn't just a dream. Allegra signals for Barry, who shows up but can't put out the flames. They do disappear after a moment, though, leaving everyone shaken. After, they try to sort out what happened, and it's suggested that they can come and go like a ghost. Barry suggests that they're controlling the flames remotely. They lock down STAR Labs and Barry goes looking for the killer.

In Coast City, Tinya phases through the wall of a building and is confronted by Iris and Sue. They know she's looking for her mother and Tinya ran away from foster care. Iris offers to help her find her mom. At STAR, Chuck tells Allegra that the person in the fire was an actual ghost, his father's ghost. Allegra tries to convince Chuck that it can't be him, but then the alarm goes off. The fires have begun again.

The flames start closing in and it's up to Chester to figure out how to save the day. Allegra fills Cecile in on what's going on with Chester, but Cecile says she can feel the despair of thousands of people, not just him. The flames then turn into Chester's father and confronts him, telling him to come home.  Cecile realizes that that it's not really his father and all the sadness is coming from whatever it really is. The thing is feeding on his grief. Chester starts to realize that his real father would be thrilled for him and proud of him. Chester rebukes him and the flames vanish.

During the debrief, Joe reveals that each of the previous victims had been dealing with huge emotional losses. Whoever the new meta is, they eat grief and sorrow to survive. Cecile suggests that whatever it is, the flames themselves are alive. Later, Iris calls Barry and lets him know about Tinya. Iris will be staying in Coast City for a little longer. After the call, Deon shows up. He knows what's wrong and it's not good news.

The Flash airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.