Victor Garber Teases Different Mix of Cast for Legends of Tomorrow Season 2

At the red carpet for the CW Upfronts this week in New York, Victor Garber looked back at the [...]

At the red carpet for the CW Upfronts this week in New York, Victor Garber looked back at the first season of Legends of Tomorrow, and expressed his enthusiasm for the show as it now looks towards the second season.

"Like anything new, it was thrilling, exciting, and terrifying all at the same time," Garber told of the first season. "We're shooting in Vancouver and my life was just completely upended, but that was great too, because it's always great to shake things up. It's been a very good year, and I'm excited about next season. I really have no idea what's in store so I can't tell you anything!"

While he doesn't know much, he did tease that there will be "potential in all areas" for Martin Stein, half of Firestorm, to interact with other characters on the show. That's especially true, he said, because "there will be new people, and some will be there less often than they were, so it'll be a different mix."

He's excited about the possibility of the four-show crossover with Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl, though he laughed and wished the producers "good luck!" Explaining the difficulties of coordinating such a feat.

"It's part of the fun being on this network," he said of the crossover, though," that we get to do that."

Garber said he's "open to any [era]" for them to visit in season two, expressing the fun he had in the Old West episode. However, he'd like to get the chance to really dive into another time for more than one week.

"I'd like to stay in one era for awhile, just explore one for over a few episodes. I'd like to do that!" Garber said enthusiastically. Check out the full interview above.

Legends of Tomorrow will return in the Fall to Thursday nights at 8pm on The CW.