Zack Snyder Reportedly Confirms 'Justice League' Snyder Cut Exists

While one long-awaited report has America's political circles in upheaval today, there's another [...]

While one long-awaited report has America's political circles in upheaval today, there's another report that has geek culture buzzing in a big way: the biggest confirmation yet that the infamous "Snyder Cut" of DC's Justice League movie actually exists!

That confirmation isn't coming from site trafficking in rumors and unknown sources, nor some wishful thinking born of a fan-sponsored petition, or offhanded remark from extraneous member of Justice League's crew. No, this latest word about Justice League's Snyder Cut allegedly comes from the man himself, Zack Snyder!

"Even though I wasn't able to ask my question during the Q&A I did get the chance to ask Zack face to face about the Snyder cut. He said "the movie is done, it exists" but basically it is up to WB. He is not aware that WB has any plans to release. Bittersweet #ReleaseTheSnyderCut"

This DC mega-fan was attending a screening of Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman director's cut over in Pasadena, California, and got the chance to speak with Snyder himself during a signing line after the screening event and Q&A. Now according to "CarlosdaPro," Snyder definitely confirmed that the Snyder Cut of Justice League exists; however, the Internet has been less-than-accommodating when it comes to taking Carlos at his word. The DC fanboy later sent out a tweet, addressing the skepticism:

"Sounds like there are a few different interpretations of what Zack said. All I can speak on is what he told me. There IS a Snyder Cut but it is 100% up to WB if we will ever see it. He is not aware of any plans on their side to release. That is all I know straight from the man."

The "#ReleaseTheSnyderCut" movement has not abated on social media, more than year after Justice League's release (and floundering performance) in theaters. It's been a heated passion of DC Extended Universe in particular, as they have been championing Snyder's DC work ever since Man of Steel, as well as "Ultimate Edition" director's cut of Batman v Superman, as Snyder truly intended. Those fans simply want to end the journey they started, and didn't get such closer from the Frankenstein mess that was Snyder and Joss Whedon's work on Justice League. As Carlos later states, it seems that Snyder Cut die-hards should now direct their anger towards a new target:

"We need to ramp up the pressure on WB. The movie is done, we just need WB to decide to release it. I'm so furious with WB."

The DC Movie Universe continues with Shazam on April 5th, Joker on October 4th, Birds of Prey on February 7th, 2020, Wonder Woman 1984 on June 5th, 2020, and The Batman on June 25th, 2021.


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