Bandai Namco Investigating Possible Bomb Threat Made at US Office

Recent tragedies that have taken place in the United States have people a bit on edge, and [...]

Bandai Namco Entertainment
(Photo: Bandai Namco Entertainment)

Recent tragedies that have taken place in the United States have people a bit on edge, and understandably so. With a lot of the focus being placed on blaming the wrong thing, other threats are being made, particularly in the gaming world. Shortly after the recent shootings in Texas and Ohio, the headquarters of Twitch was the location of a potential threat by a shooter, to which police responded. That said, it was learned earlier that the US office of Bandai Namco is now the subject of a potential bomb threat.

IGN reported that after receiving a tip, they reached out to Bandai Namco in Santa Clara, CA about the possible bomb threat. "We can't provide any comment regarding the validity of the threat as there is an ongoing investigation in progress," a Bandai Namco statement reads. "We can say that all our employees are safe and that we will be doing everything in our power to safeguard the well being of our employees."

While it is unknown at this time if the bomb threat is legitimate or simply a hoax, it is good to see Bandai Namco taking it seriously and insuring the safety of their employees. As stated above, this isn't the first threat to arise in the wake of the tragedies in El Paso and Dayton. Before that, Infinity Ward was evacuated in 2018 after a bomb threat, and YouTube HQ had an active shooter that injured three others before taking her own life.

Following the recent tragedies, Donald Trump as well as other lawmakers have continued to latch onto the idea that video games is partly to blame for all of this, despite there being no evidence that supports their claims. Unfortunately, this will all likely not lead to an actual solution for any of these issues.

In any case, we are glad to hear that everyone at Bandai Namco in Santa Clara is safe and that the company is carrying out an investigation to hopefully find where these threats came from. Here's to hoping everything is resolved in a swift and safe manner.