Apex Legends Board Game Announced

Apex Legends is coming to the tabletop. Today, EA and Glass Cannon Unplugged announced Apex Legends: The Board Game, a new team vs. team miniatures game based on the video game by the same name. Initially, the game will support 2-4 players, but more players can be added through future expansions. The objectives of the game is simple – eliminate the opposing team. Gameplay will take about 60 minutes, with a three-dimensional "environment" that uses modular maps and a growing roster of characters. The core game's initial roster includes Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Wraith and Bangalore, with more to be added through expansions. Glass Cannon also announced plans to support the game through regular expansion releases and organized play of some kind. You can check out the announcement video below:

Apex Legends was first released in 2019 but has a remarkably stable player base over the past three years thanks to its schedule of regular new releases and the strategic addition of new game modes. The game's main Battle Royale mode deviates from typical Battle Royale games by pairing players into teams of three who then have to battle for survival on an ever-shrinking map. Alternatively, players can battle in Arena, a mode in which players battle against another team over a series of rounds. 

Surprisingly, Apex Legends is the first Battle Royale-style game to make the transition to the tabletop. While miniatures combat has always been a popular tabletop genre, neither Fortnite nor PUBG: Battlegrounds have gotten any sort of significant tabletop adaptation.  

The Kickstarter for Apex Legends: The Board Game will launch on May 17th. More details about the game will likely be released closer to the game's crowdfunding launch.