Fortnite players who find that their inventories don’t have enough room for all their items can use an advanced trick to “juggle” items and bring move them without sacrificing speed.
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“Juggling” items is a trick that’s been around in Fortnite for a while now, a technique that involves picking up a new item when you have a full inventory and immediately picking up the dropped item. This will create a cycle that tosses the dropped item in front of you, and with proper timing and angles, players can carry items from one point to another so that they can safely go through their loot in a more preferable location away from enemy fire.
While that trick is already one that some Fortnite players have probably mastered, keeping more than a few items in the juggling rotation can be a challenge. Fortnite streamer and RedditorImSpeedyGonzalez has found a way to carry up to four or five items at once by using a tweaked version of the juggling trick though with the video below showing what it looks like when a player is juggling four different items at once.
How to juggle 4 items while full sprinting (5 is possible but less consistent) from r/FortniteCompetitive
The three items on the ground combined with the one that had to be dropped makes for a constant rotation of four different items above the player’s head, all while maintaining a full sprint. As he explained, the four-item juggle is made possible by remapping his “Pick up” key to his mouse wheel and constantly scrolling down while moving his character. This allows for constant “Pick up” commands that keep the items juggled while moving.
He added that the angle in which players are juggling is probably the most important part of the trick. After starting out juggling while strafing to the side, he transitions into a different angle that lets him see what’s in front of him while moving and still keeping the items aloft.
Since the trick relies on the use of the scroll wheel, it might not be possible to juggle as many items as ImSpeedyGonzalez did in the video. He says that there’s still a chance the technique could be used off of the PC though if players are quick enough and can get the right angle down.
“I think the scroll wheel method is off the table there, but you can still take away from this post some useful info,” he said in a comment. “The angle and full sprint can still be used if you want to spam your button to juggle 2 items. 3 or 4 items might not be possible.”
ImSpeedyGonzalez shared another trick recently that’ll help players stop bouncing across Loot Lake, so expect more Fortnite tips from him in the future.