'Fortnite' Temporarily Removes the Port-a-Fortress

Unfortunately Fortnite Season 6 has proven to be a little difficult since it went live yesterday, [...]

Unfortunately Fortnite Season 6 has proven to be a little difficult since it went live yesterday, forcing the team to make some much needed calls regarding animation, item removal, and bug tweaks. The latest casualty? Port-a-Fortresses.

The team over at Epic Games took to their Twitter account to show the return of the Shadow Stones and the removal of the Fortress item:

It's a shame to see it go because it was an instant hit when it first launched with a previous patch. Hopefully it will make its way back into the game soon after the needed repairs are implemented and the Port-a-Fortress can return alongside the new Shadow Stones.

Didn't get a chance to try out this item? Here's what you need to know:

"This new consumable creates a massive fortress to defend against and repel enemies," boasted Epic Games in an earlier blog post and honestly? This item is a total game changer! You can see it in action with the video at the top of article, but when the game counts down to the final ten players? This will easily tilt the favor of the match in one clear direction.

There were a few bug fixes and tweaks to the in-game weapons and items as well:

  • Port-a-Fortress
    • It's huge!
    • Builds instantly.
    • Includes built-in Bouncers for an easy exit.
    • Legendary Rarity.
    • Found in Vending Machines, chests, Supply Drops, and Supply Llamas.

For now, we have to be content with the other new items that made their way into the game. Luckily, we now have pets so those good boys can keep us company as the studio continues to make the necessary changes to their online title.

Fortnite is now available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and select Android devices! Don't forget to check out our full Game Hub here to stay in the know 24/7 with all things Fortnite! Leaks, tips, cosplay - you name it, we've got it!