League of Legends' Assassins Are "Struggling a Bit" Thanks to Survivability Options

League of Legends’ assassin subclass includes an array of champions capable of making flash [...]

Zed League of Legends
(Photo: Riot Games)

League of Legends' assassin subclass includes an array of champions capable of making flash plays, but according to Riot's lead gameplay designer, those quick-burst champions aren't doing too well right now.

Riot Meddler spoke about the assassin category of champion is a recent Gameplay Thoughts post where he responded to a reader's question about the champ subclass. While the inquiry was centered around assassins, Meddler expanded on the topic and said that other champion identities are struggling alongside assassins thanks to the amount of survivability that their targets have through shields, heals, and other big play-denying features.

"I think anti carries in general (assassins, divers, some pick mages) are struggling a bit at the moment, some exceptions," Meddler said. "Biggest issue there I believe is the amount of survivability that can be stacked on, or offered to, their targets, more than their personal damage output."

The assassin subclass likely needs little introduction, but for those less familiar with the categories, the divers include champions like Lee Sin and Vi while the "pick mages," while not a defined subclass, would be champions like LeBlanc. Meddler elaborated on some of the more specific issues that assassins face but added that with how eventful the preseason period is going to be, it'll likely be easier to wait until the dust has settled before reevaluating what kind of changes assassins will need.

"Locket's one of the big offenders there and we'll be making some changes to that soon or soonish," he continued. "As with everything else we'll also need to see where things settle once pre-season's out, and whether even more help than already planned is needed or whether the changed state of the game's corrected things at least somewhat."

ADCs and other carries will likely groan at the idea of assassins receiving any kind of buff to their damage output, but assassins have their own obstacles by way of the numerous support items that squash their kill attempts. Support items are plentiful through options such as Face of the Mountain, Redemption, and Locket, but whether it's buffs for assassins or nerfs for these items that are needed remains to be decided.