League Of Legends Expands Free Champion Rotation Following Players' Requests

In a swift announcement, a Riot Games employee revealed that the free champion rotation would be [...]

(Photo: Riot Games)

In a swift announcement, a Riot Games employee revealed that the free champion rotation would be expanded beyond its 10-champion limit to include more champions in each week's roster of free-to-play characters.

News of the change came first from a thread on Reddit where a user posed the question as to why the free champion rotation was still locked at just 10 different champions per week, two per role. As the champion pool in League has expanded over the years, the free rotation hasn't increased at a similar rate, causing it to take quite a while before some champs make an appearance in the rotation. The question asked by the Redditor must've been reasonable enough because Riot Evaelin soon responded and said that the champion rotation would indeed be expanded.

"Hey! We think y'all are right," replied Riot Evaelin. "Seeing as we've added a lot more champions, updating our model to include 10% of champions instead of just 10 every week seems reasonable. Starting from tomorrow, there will be 14 champions in the F2P rotation. "

The reply from the Rioter was posted yesterday and also promised an official response would be released today, and sure enough, a post on the League boards confirmed that the change would persist to future champion rotations. In addition to reiterating the news that was previously announced on Reddit, the official post added that they'd continue to update the free rotation as more champions are released.

"Whenever we eventually release our 145th champ, we'll increase the rotation to 15 free champs (we're rounding up)," Riot Cactopus wrote on the League boards.

Taliyah also makes an appearance in the now-updated League rotation to join 13 other champions that are free this week. The current roster now includes:

  • Akali
  • Braum
  • Nasus
  • Taliyah
  • Gnar
  • Graves
  • Lee Sin
  • Miss Fortune
  • Sona
  • Taric
  • Trundle
  • Twisted Fate
  • Varus
  • Viktor

The quick reply to the Reddit post certainly caught some players off guard, but the communication between players and Rioters is much appreciated. This isn't the first time that the expansion of the free champion pool has been requested, but it'll now be a better feature for both new players and those that just haven't gotten around to a particular champ yet.