League of Legends' Ghostcrawler Suggests Promoting Bronze Players Straight to Silver

A change to League of Legends’ lowest ranked divisions might result in several players being [...]

League Team Graves
(Photo: Riot Games)

A change to League of Legends' lowest ranked divisions might result in several players being bumped up to the Silver division instead of Bronze.

Speaking to the Russian outlet CyberSport, League of Legends' design director, Ghostcrawler, discussed the current ranking system and an innovative idea involving the lowest rungs of the ranking ladder. Ghostcrawler told CyberSport that he felt there were "too many" players struggling to break free of the Bronze division and said that it might be a smart move to bump them up to Silver and keep Bronze a place for truly inexperienced players.

When asked about making a separate mode for beginners to get their feet wet, Ghostcrawler responded and said that they have to maintain a balance between casual and hardcore players.

"We developed the League of Legends for hardcore players, so I do not know how they will take this step," Ghostcrawler said regarding a beginner's game mode according to a translation. "We do not want to attract kazuales [casuals?] only so that they later understand: LoL is not for them. And we do not want to show hardcore users that we make the game easier."

Ghostcrawler explained that one possible route for Riot Games to take was moving the Bronze players up to Silver so that Bronze would be an area for the new players to learn the ropes.

"In the unrequited queue, there is an internal MMR, so the participants are fighting in balanced matches," Ghostcrawler explained. "We also think that there are too many players in the "bronze" division, and we are thinking of making it a place for really inexperienced users. The rest will probably be promoted to Silver."

The League of Legends designer's use of the word "we" when discussing the idea, a usage that indicates the idea is being discussed internally and is more than just a rough idea from Ghostcrawler. Silver currently holds the majority of players, so bumping even more to the rank would cause it to grow even further, but it'd definitely provide a more accessible place for players in Bronze to get the practice they need.