New League of Legends Cinematic Released to Begin Season 14

League of Legends begins its 2024 season with "Still Here".

As it has done in previous years, Riot Games today released a new cinematic associated with League of Legends to begin Season 14. After months of talk about what would lie in store in 2024, Riot has now pushed out its major update for League's latest Season which brings about a ton of overhauls to the core game. In tandem with Season 14 officially beginning, Riot has also treated fans to a new video that features some of the most popular champions in LoL

Titled "Still Here", this newest League of Legends cinematic is in the same style as previous videos such as "The Call", "Ruination", and "Warriors". This time around, "Still Here" features champions that include Tryndamere, Kindred, Aatrox, Morgana, Yasuo, Ashe, and Kayle in different combat scenarios over the feature's four-minute length. The video itself is then backed by the titular song, "Still Here", which was created by those at Riot in collaboration with artists that include Forts, Tiffany Aris, and 2WEI. 

You can watch the full cinematic for yourself right here: 

One reason why "Still Here" is such a big deal is because in 2023, Riot opted not to release a video of this type to begin the season of play. This decision was met with quite a negative response from those in the LoL community, and Riot made it known later on that it had let fans down. To see the studio come back with "Still Here" shows that Riot clearly listened to that feedback in 2023 and didn't want to begin 2024 on a similar note. It's also a great way to kick off this new year given that more animated League of Legends content will be arriving at the end of 2024 when Arcane Season 2 comes to Netflix in November

What did you think about this new League of Legends cinematic that has been released? And are you planning to jump into LoL for yourself today to begin your Ranked promos? Let me know either down in the comments section or reach out to me on social media at @MooreMan12
