
‘Marvel’s Spider-Man’ Fans Want A Stan Lee Suit

Marvel’s Spider-Man features a wide array of varied and meticulously detailed suits for Peter […]

Marvel’s Spider-Man features a wide array of varied and meticulously detailed suits for Peter Parker to adorn over the course of the game. From the Insomniac Games’ Advanced Suit, to the iconic Classic Suit, to Spider-Man 2099’s suit, there’s basically a suit for everyone, except if you’re looking for the Raimi outfit, which still isn’t in the game.

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In addition to conventional costumes, there are also a host of unconventional outfits in the game, such as the Undies Suit that you get for 100 percent-ing the game, and the Spirit Spider, which makes you look more like a villain than most of the villains Peter Parker faces.

Since the PS4 exclusive launched, fans have pleaded with Insomniac Games to add the Symbiote Suit and the Raimi Suit to no avail. And it appears rather than continue to beg, some fans have moved on and have a new request that could usurp the Undies Suit as the most unconventional outfit in the game: a Stan Lee suit.

That’s right, some Marvel Spider-Man fans want a suit that basically makes it look like Peter Parker slipped on the skin and body of Stan Lee.

While there isn’t as many clamoring for the suit as the aforementioned others, the post has notably climbed the game’s Reddit page with 424 up-votes in just five hours. In other words, the demand is there.

But just because the demand is there, doesn’t mean Insomniac Games will add it. While the idea of adding a Stan Lee skin sounds awesome — think of the Photo Mode potential — the likelihood of it happening is probably close to zero percent. Marvel’s Spider-Man isn’t afraid to get zany, but the idea of adding a Stan Lee Suit is probably a little too far out there, even for Insomniac Games.

That said, it would be a nice tribute to the legendary creator who birthed the character back in 1962.

As you may know, Stan Lee is already in the game, but his current role is nothing more than a brief cameo.

Marvel’s Spider-Man is available exclusively for PlayStation 4. For more news and coverage on the game and all things Spidey, click here. And of course, feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think. Would you like to see a Stan Lee Suit in the game?

Thanks, Reddit.