'Marvel's Spider-Man' Director Shares His Opinion On 'Venom'

Marvel's Spider-Man Creative Director Bryan Intihar and Lead Writer Jon Paquette have shared their [...]

Venom Is The Movie We Need - Cover
(Photo: Sony Pictures)

Marvel's Spider-Man Creative Director Bryan Intihar and Lead Writer Jon Paquette have shared their opinion on Marvel's recent big release, Venom. Their takes? It's a fun movie....or so they say.

Marvel Entertainment is mostly hitting only homeruns these days, but the reception so far to Venom hasn't been the most positive. The movie currently sits at a measly 31 on Rotten Tomatoes, and while it's performing quite well at the box office, most fans aren't raving about it as much as other Marvel releases, while some are downright slamming it.

That said, when Game Informer asked the aforementioned Intihar and Paquette what they thought of the movie, the pair seemed a little gun-shy about sharing their takes.

More specifically, when asked for their reactions, there's a noticeable pause before Paquette looks over to Intihar and says "it's fun." This is followed with Intihar shrugging and saying "it's a fun movie." Neither response is very convincing.


The pair continued and did note that the post-credit scene featuring a Spider-Verse clip was "awesome." This prompted the Game Informer interviewer to ask the pair if it was fair to say they were more excited about the Spider-Verse clip than Venom.

In response, Paquette looked over at Intihar again, who shrugged. The two proceeded to tip toe around the question, before Inithar redirected and said that the GI Interviewer should see it.

Below, you can watch the exchange for yourself:

So, the official take is both Intihar and Paquette think the movie is fun and that you should see it, but their demeanor in the exchange and the palpable hesitance to seemingly answer the question 100 percent candidly, perhaps suggests otherwise. Emphasis on perhaps, because again, their on the record take is positive.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available exclusively on PlayStation 4 and Venom is still currently playing in theaters. If you haven't, you should experience both, but maybe prioritize Marvel's Spider-Man first?

For more news, information, and media on Marvel's Spider-Man, be sure to peep all of our previous coverage of the open-world action game, as well as all things Spidey, by clicking right here. If it's more Venom coverage you're after, then skip that first link, and click here.