The Latest Overwatch Patch Is All About the Healers

A new patch that’s now live across Overwatch platforms introduces several changes for some of [...]


A new patch that's now live across Overwatch platforms introduces several changes for some of the game's most popular healers.

The patch that was rolled out on Tuesday was a smaller one in terms of changes, but the focus of the update was certainly visible with it touching on Zenyatta, Mercy, and Lucio. Mercy received the bulk of the changes with this patch, the face of Overwatch's healers and a competitive pick that's seeing plenty at all levels of play. The changes to Mercy's Valkyrie ability are the most noticeable differences that ship with the patch, the full notes for each heroes' changes found below:


  • Wall Ride
    • The speed boost that Lúcio receives after completing a wall ride has been increased by 65%


  • Guardian Angel
    • Players can now glide past a targeted ally using the jump key
    • Cooldown no longer resets when Resurrect is activated
  • Valkyrie
    • No longer resets or reduces Resurrection's cooldown
    • Now gives players a bonus resurrection charge


  • Added a number of additional voicelines for Cultist Zenyatta

Providing some context on the changes for Mercy, the patch notes said that the extra charge that Mercy receives on her Valkyrie will allow her to revive an ally if it's on cooldown, but you won't get to keep the bonus charge once Valkyrie ends.

"This method makes Resurrect more flexible when used with Valkyrie," the update read. "For example, in the past if you wanted to resurrect two teammates, you had to revive the first target, then activate Valkyrie (causing the Resurrect's cooldown to reset), and then revive the other target. With this change, you can now activate Valkyrie and fly in quickly to resurrect both targets instantly."

Outside of the changes for the heroes, PC players now have a new option regarding their online player status. With the latest patch, PC players can now set their social status to either Online, Away, Busy, or Appear Offline, but your friends will still be able to see you if you're in the same match.

The patch is available to download now, and while there aren't any unmentioned changes aside from some bugfixes, the full notes can be found here.