
‘Black Panther’ Review Roundup

Black Panther reviews have begun hitting the web and so far things are looking good for Marvel […]

Black Panther reviews have begun hitting the web and so far things are looking good for Marvel Studios’ latest release.

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The film is receiving praise for its craft and entertainment value as well as for contributing to a cultural shift.’s own Brandon Davis enjoyed the film and said its female characters in particular carried the moive.

“If Black Panther had not included the Dora Milaje, especially Danai Gurira’s General Okoye, it would be lesser. They help carry the throne and movie to royalty as director Ryan Coogler coaches these women toward profound achievement. The fighting skills on display and technology accompanying them thanks to Wright’s brilliant and wildly fun Shuri offer some of Black Panther‘s most entertaining and jaw-dropping moments. One sequence in particular, involving Gurira, a spear, and a car chase, will leave moviegoers giddy in their seats.”

Clay Cane of NewsOne says the film’s female cast steals the show and predicts that Black Panther will have an impact similar to the impact of Jordan Peele’s Get Out last year”

“What Get Out did for horror in 2017, is what Black Panther will do for superhero films in 2018. Outside of the endless memes that are destined to come out of the movie, Black Panther will be a cinematic shift in our culture. From the box office to unavoidable think pieces, this is a film that will have a shelf life of a lifetime.”

The Root’s Danielle Young praises Black Panther for its blackness:

Black Panther is an entire body raised in goosebumps. It’s a ride that I wasn’t ready for, but would gladly ride over and over again. I already know I’m going to see this movie at least three more times. It’s the same reason Black Panther‘s pre-sale tickets have already outpaced any other superhero movie. It’s about time we get to see our people in a movie like this. And this is only the beginning. We should all experience Black Panther.”

Polygon’s Joelle Monique expressed a similar sentiment.

“It’s hard to describe the first viewing of Black Panther. There is pride in seeing so much black excellence in a single film. Sometimes, there may be too much. T’Challa is an infallible character; every decision lies on a straight moral compass. But the design elements of the film, the incredible performances and a killer soundtrack more than make up for any small flaws.”

Mark Hughes at Forbes says Black Panther delivers action-blockbuster thrills with intelligence and relevancy.

“Black Panther is a tour de force, one of the smartest, most original action-packed blockbusters of the decade. This is bold and visually stunning filmmaking, unique and relevant in deeply emotional, truthful ways few films of the genre achieve. Believe the hype — Black Panther rules!”

The Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab felt similarly.

“Coogler touches on deeper subjects regarding race and oppression while still realising that the main purpose of a Marvel movie is to entertain a mass audience. The result is a film that works just fine as an old-fashioned ripping yarn without ever forgetting its social conscience.”

CGM’s Phil Brown was impressed by how Black Panther embodied a unique identity while still fitting into the MCU:

Black Panther was not a character that was ever going to be easy for Marvel to adapt for the big screen, but somehow everything went so right that the movie just might be the finest representation of the character in any medium to date. Black Panther isn’t just another cog in the Marvel machine, it’s one of their strongest characters with a world that begs to be revisited. Hopefully after whatever massive destruction and changes that occur in the universe following Infinity War (and whatever nuttiness comes in the still untitled Avengers 4), Ryan Coogler and co. will be allowed back into Wakanda to play again. Now that the heavy lifting is over and this world is so beautifully established, it’s hard not to feel a sense of giddy excitement about where they could possibly go next. Now that’s a sequel worth making.”

Black Panther currently has a User Anticipation Rating of 4.18 out of 5, making it the second most anticipated upcoming comic book movie among Users. Let us know how excited you are for Black Panther by giving the movie your own User Anticipation Rating below.

Black Panther opens in theaters on February 16th.

Other upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe movies include; Avengers: Infinity War on May 4th, Ant-Man and the Wasp on July 6th, Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, the fourth Avengers movie on May 3, 2019, the sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming on July 5, 2019, and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 in 2020.