Captain America: Brave New World is almost upon us, and fans are eagerly awaiting to see how the film expands upon the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the plot is still very much a secret, what’s been confirmed so far is pretty intriguing. In addition to seeing Sam Wilson fully embrace his role as the newest Captain America, it will feature Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross becoming the Red Hulk, just like his comic book counterpart. The film will also see the return of several key MCU characters, which means we may get the answers to some forgotten plot questions. And even more exciting is the fact that this film will introduce adamantium to the MCU; hardcore comic book fans know that this is the virtually indestructible metal that Wolverine’s skeleton and claws are coated with. Will this help pave the way for the X-Men further down the line?
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Of course, the MCU has gotten so big now that almost every new film or TV show requires additional context to fully understand and appreciate what’s going on, and Brave New World is no different. While most longtime fans will have no problem comprehending the various plot points and references to the wider MCU, newcomers may find watching more than 30 movies and 10 TV series a daunting task. Luckily, we have a handy viewing guide of only the most essential MCU projects to watch before seeing the upcoming Captain America film.
The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk may seem like odd required viewing to catch up on the important events that led up to Captain America: Brave New World, but this early MCU film actually has a fair number of ties to the upcoming movie.
For example, it introduces Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (originally played by the late William Hurt before being replaced by Harrison Ford), who’s played an important role in the MCU and looks to play an even bigger role in Brave New World. The Incredible Hulk also sees the return of Liv Tyler as Betty Ross (who was also Bruce Banner’s love interest) and Tim Blake Nelson as Samuel Sterns, neither of whom has appeared in the MCU since. The latter is especially important, as his transformation into the Leader was hinted at towards the end of The Incredible Hulk but was never addressed until now.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is one of the best films in the MCU which makes it a must-watch alone. But one of the biggest reasons to watch it is that it introduced us to Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson / Falcon, a former pararescueman who joins the original Captain America, Steve Rogers, in his mission to bring down HYDRA. Sam not only becomes Steve’s sidekick, he becomes an Avenger and the newest Captain America, as well as the star of Brave New World.
While Brave New World’s plot details remain tightly under wraps, it seems to continue the themes of espionage, secret societies, and political intrigue that were major parts of The Winter Soldier.
[RELATED: 5 Ways We Expect Captain America: Brave New World to Change the MCU Forever]
Captain America: Civil War

By this point in the MCU, Sam is a full-fledged Avenger and has a much more prominent presence in the world at large. Also at this point in the MCU, politics are playing a bigger role in the Avengers’ activities. Civil War sees Thadeus Ross, now serving as the U.S. Secretary of State, present the Sokovia Accords, which would put the team under the purview of the United Nations, to the Avengers. He also gives them an ultimatum: sign up or retire from superhero life.
Ever since the events of The Incredible Hulk, Ross has had an uneasy relationship with superpowered individuals, and this film furthers that tension. It will be interesting to see if and how this plays out in Brave New World.
Avengers: Endgame

After disappearing from Thanos’ fateful snap in Avengers: Infinity War, Sam returns to join Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in their climactic fight against the Mad Titan.
But this film does more than establish Sam’s importance to the Avengers – at the end of Endgame, an aged Steve Rogers gives Sam his shield, indicating that he wants him to take on the mantle of Captain America.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Watching all of the films listed here is important to catch up on the events leading up to Captain America: Brave New World, but the Disney+ series The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is arguably the most essential prelude to the upcoming movie.
It sees Sam Wilson initially struggling with Steve Rogers’ decision to give him the shield, only to decide to take on the role of the next Captain America. The show also introduces several new characters who will reprise their roles in Brave New World, such as Joaquin Torres (played by Danny Ramirez), who becomes the new Falcon, and Carl Lumbly as Isaiah Bradley, a Korean War veteran who was wrongfully imprisoned and given superhuman abilities against his will.
Captain America: Brave New World will be released on February 14th.