'Captain Marvel' Now Being Review Bombed On IMDb

Well, it looks as if the trolls who tried to bury Captain Marvel on Rotten Tomatoes have now [...]

Well, it looks as if the trolls who tried to bury Captain Marvel on Rotten Tomatoes have now switched over to IMDb.

Reviews are starting to come in now that Captain Marvel has had a few screenings, but the numbers on IMDb's user rating page doesn't seem to add up with the predominant opinion of the movie online. The film has 1,641 votes in the 10 rating, followed by a variety of lower values in the 9, 8, and remaining ratings. It only features 217 in the 2 rating and is in the hundred regions in 5 through 3, but when you get to the 1s, that's where the fun begins.

It's here that there are 1,994 votes, higher than the 10 ratings. Now, every film sits with viewers in a variety of ways, so you knew you'd see some 1s in there, but it doesn't add up with the other ratings, especially with so many high ones. Either the movie is extremely divisive, or there are some who want to tank the scores however they can, and we're siding with the latter.

It doesn't help that a very small number of female fans have submitted their reviews, which only feeds the possible trolling scenario. Sure there are women who won't like Captain Marvel, that's a given, but right now the ration is heavily skewed, with 3669 ratings submitted by men while only 406 have been submitted by women. Since most of the people rallying against the movie also happen to be male, well, it again suggests a bit of review bombing is taking place.

The same type of campaign was happening over at Rotten Tomatoes, though they recently made some changes to how audience anticipation is rated after seeing a high number of people submitting negative reactions as part of a campaign and not simply their individual honest opinions.

"Unfortunately, we have seen an uptick in non-constructive input, sometimes bordering on trolling, which we believe is a disservice to our general readership. We have decided that turning off this feature for now is the best course of action," Rotten Tomatoes wrote on their blog.

Now that reviews are starting to file in the film has debuted to a positive score on the service, being certified fresh at 85% with 101 reviews counted. We'll have to wait and see if IMDb comments on their User Ratings or if makes any changes.

Captain Marvel lands in theaters on March 8th.


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