'Agents of SHIELD' Recap with Spoilers: "Rise and Shine"

General Hale’s soldiers take Coulson to his room at the Blue Raven base. Hale admits that this [...]

General Hale's soldiers take Coulson to his room at the Blue Raven base. Hale admits that this isn't an Air Force operation. She says it's Hydra. She wants to tell Coulson her story so that he'll see that it's time for SHIELD and Hydra to unite.

Flashing back, Hale wakes up in the Blue Raven base, which is a Hydra academy, to the sound of someone ordering her to rise and seize the future. She sits with a young Jasper Sitwell in the cafeteria.

They head to a class where Daniel Whitehall is a guest speaker. He says there are many ways that these children can help Hydra dismantle the oppressive state. He says they are finally close to creating their own super soldier using a particle-infusion chamber. A young Baron von Strucker suggests using the Tesseract as an infusion material, but Hale points out they'd have to blow their cover to take it from SHIELD. Hale suggests looking towards outer space to find new materials. Whitehall praises her forward thinking.

Hale is working out in the gym late. She's doing bench presses when two students overload her with extra weights. She attacks von Strucker and has to be pulled off.

The final test for Hydra students is to kill the dog that they've been raising. Hale passes. The students receive their acceptance and assignment letters. Sitwell is going to SHIELD. Sitwell says she should be worried about her placement after the attack.

Hale is summoned by Whitehall. He's selected her for his own program. She thinks she'll be working on the chamber, but since she's the only female remaining in her class, he actually wants to artificially inseminate her to create the perfect specimen to use in the chamber to become the future leader of Hydra.

Time skips to two years ago. Ruby wakes up to the same call to action and attends a much smaller Hydra academy. Hale observes as she spars with two boys. Hale wants to know about Ruby's future. She was designed to lead, but with Whitehall now dead things are uncertain.

Later, Hale and Ruby discuss her future over a meal. Hale and another member of the faculty both get alerts on their phone and leave.

Hale heads back to her Air Force base and finds her superior, Fisher, shredding paper. He tells her that Gideon Malick has been captured, and that he's talking. Fisher tells Hale to retrieve a device he has stored. The Chitauri wreckage left after the battle of New York has been sending a signal into space. Hydra reached out and made contact with an alliance of alien races called The Confederacy. Glenn Talbot busts in before Fisher can explain more. Talbot is there for Fisher, but doesn't know Hale is Hydra. Fisher takes a poison pill before being dragged off.

Hale returns to the school to find Ruby arguing about having to kill her dog. Ruby is also the only student left after the purge. Ruby believes these old Hydra traditions are weak and pointless. The teacher continues to berate her. Hale kills the teacher, making her and her daughter the last remaining members of Hydra.

Jump to six months ago. Hale visits Talbot and his family as he's recovering in the hospital after the Daisy Johnson LMD shot him. There was damage to his frontal lobe, and he's having anger control issues.

Hale has Talbot transferred to Blue Raven. He wakes looks around the base. He helps himself to some Cap'n Crunch in the cafeteria. Ruby walks up next to him and takes some food for herself. She leaves her headphones in and ignores Talbot.

Talbot gets angry and follows Ruby into the gym. Ruby twists Talbot's arm. Hale reveals that Ruby is her daughter. Talbot gets angry again, and Ruby puts a blade to his neck. Hale puts things into perspective for Talbot, and offers to help him and show him what she's working on.

Hale shows a mysterious device to Talbot; it's the one she took from Fisher's storeroom. They were told to use it to travel to the stars and meet with them face-to-face. Apparently, its used to move ships through the galaxies. Hale used it to visit The Confederacy. Hydra had struck a deal for protection from the war coming to Earth.

Talbot realizes Hale is Hydra and becomes angry. Hale says she didn't choose Hydra, she was born into it the same way he was born into the United States. She says these symbols -- Hydra, SHIELD, the USA -- are irrelevant when they're facing a global threat.

Hale wants to know the location of a hidden Hydra weapon. Talbot refuses. Ruby cuffs Talbot to his wheelchair and wheels him away. Talbot is confident he won't break, and that SHIELD will rescue him.

Flash forward to 24 hours ago. Coulson wakes up and looks around the base, making his way to the cafeteria just as Ruby walks through. She ignores him, but Coulson sees it for a game. He takes cereal back to his room.

Hale finds Coulson in his room. He asks if Ruby is the one who cut Yo-Yo's arms off. Hale tells him Ruby is her daughter. She offers to show Coulson what she's working on.

She shows him the device she showed Talbot. He sees the alien writing and immediately believes the device is a bad idea. She sets in the coordinates and takes Coulson with her to meet the Confederacy.

Hale says that Coulson is the ally they need. The Confederacy offers to ensure humanity's survival for a price. The price includes gravitonium and Inhumans. Coulson says they should fight back against The Confederacy. Hale says that's been her plan all along.

Hale says they're searching for Whitehall's particle-infusion chamber to use on Ruby. Coulson is hesitant. Hale admits Ruby isn't ready, that she lacks the temperament. Hale suggests Daisy Johnson may be a better fit. Combined with gravitonium, Johnson would become worthy of Whitehall's codename for the project: "Destroyer of Worlds."

This obviously rings a bell for Coulson. He tells Hale about their trip to the future, and what happens to Earth. She doesn't believe him.

Ruby visits Coulson in his room and asks about the future. Ruby wants to know what she did wrong. Coulson tells Ruby it wasn't her, it was Daisy Johnson. Ruby demands to know where Daisy is. Coulson refuses to talk. Ruby shows Coulson what happened to the last person who said that to her: a battered and broken Glenn Talbot. Talbot broke and told Hale everything.

Now, Daisy is thinking about their situation. They've figured out that Hale is Hydra, but not why she needs Coulson.

May visits Fitz where he's being held. May reminds Fitz that she was Hydra in the Framework too. Fitz notes that this is not the Framework, and he doesn't regret what he did. May is asking Fitz to embrace that side of himself.

Simmons and Mack are surgically attaching Yo-Yo and her robot arms. Mack tries to explain what it felt like to actually be plugged into the Framework. Simmons turns on the arms, and they begin to flex. Theoretically, Yo-Yo will be stronger than before. That worries Mack given how reckless Yo-Yo has behaved recently.

Fitz puts together that Hale is trying to build a weapon, but he doesn't have enough information to figure out Coulson's role. Fitz wants access to a computer to help put things together. Daisy says there is no chance. They argue about what Fitz did.

Daisy storms off, determined to rescue Coulson by other means. She decides she's going to go find Robyn and ask her.

Simmons visits Fitz in his cell. She brings tea for two. She says she knows they get through this. She shows Fitz one of his old devices with a number engraved from his injury. Except it's not, its Deke's. He got it from his grandfather. It means they survive, and that the two of them are invincible.