After Avengers: Endgame, Hayley Atwell Doesn't Need to Play Peggy Carter Again

Back in Captain America: The First Avenger, audiences met Hayley Atwell's Agent Carter, who [...]

Back in Captain America: The First Avenger, audiences met Hayley Atwell's Agent Carter, who quickly became a beloved character. In addition to earning her own Marvel One-Shot, she ultimately earned her own series on ABC, which scored two seasons. Carter made a surprising appearance in the final moments of Avengers: Endgame, offering her and Steve Rogers an opportunity for a slow dance that had been decades in the making. Atwell will be lending her voice to the animated Marvel's What If...? series, leading fans to speculate if there's more Agent Carter on the horizon, but Atwell confirms she feels satisfied with her character's conclusion.

"I feel really fulfilled. It was a great time, and I think they ended it beautifully with Endgame," Atwell revealed to The Hollywood Reporter when asked about Carter's journey culminating. "It feels like a fitting end to that narrative. I'm a classically trained theater actor so I want a stab at the challenging parts in the canon for theatrical actresses. That's something that I've always aspired towards. So, I feel lucky to have played her, but she's one aspect of my career. She's one part that I've played."

She added, "With every job that I've done, I've taken the job because I've seen something within the character that I'd love to explore or try and be challenged by. With a leading part, it requires a lot of my focus and passion, but it's the same focus and passion whether it's Peggy Carter or it's Rebecca West in Rosmersholm on stage, which I just finished. It's the same curiosity to see what each character's world is."

Despite Marvel's Agent Carter earning a passionate following, the series never drew a massive number of viewers, ultimately leading towards its ending. The strong reviews from both audiences and critics alike, in addition to Marvel Studios expanding their content with TV series on Disney+, led fans to speculate about the series somehow being revived.

While Atwell herself might not be pushing for more from Agent Carter, she pointed out her appreciation of fans who love the character.

"What's remarkable is that this is a couple of work days for me," the actress admitted. "I'll do half an afternoon on Endgame, or then you're in the studio for a couple of hours on What If…? Because so many fans love this franchise, it's so much bigger than the time that affected my actual life, which is a remarkable thing."

Stay tuned for details on Marvel's What If...? Avengers: Endgame is available on Blu-ray, DVD, and Digital HD now.

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