'Daredevil's Vincent D'Onofrio Encourages Fans to Sign #SaveDaredevil Petition

Fans are still upset at Netflix over their decision to cancel Daredevil, the most popular Marvel [...]

Fans are still upset at Netflix over their decision to cancel Daredevil, the most popular Marvel Television series on the streaming service, likely heralding the end of the franchise on the streaming service. Series like Iron Fist and Luke Cage have already been cancelled, and fans are concerned about the fates of The Punisher and Jessica Jones, which has a third season set to premiere later this year.

But fans have been campaigning to save Daredevil ever since the cancellation was first announced, inciting a major petition that continues to leverage support for the series in hopes that Netflix, Disney, or Marvel will do something to save the series.

Wilson Fisk actor Vincent D'Onofrio has been a strong supporter of the campaign. And now he just made another plea for fans to support the #SaveDaredevil petition.

The campaign to save Daredevil has seen support from everyone involved with the series, especially the main cast. It's the one cause that can unite Kingpin and Daredevil, as Matthew Murdock actor Charlie Cox has also spoken at length about his desire to see the series continue.

Cox didn't want to reveal his email address, but he did make sure to sign the petition. And he found the perfect work around.

"I wasn't sure about adding my email because I'm not very technically savvy, and I didn't want to suddenly put my email online; I don't know if it's visible or not," Cox said in an interview with the Playlist. "But what I did do is I made a fake email for my two-year-old daughter, and she signed it."

Cox has been coy about future plans for storylines in a potential fourth season, as he doesn't want to spoil any potential storylines. But he is eager to return if given the opportunity.

"I'm kind of more in the dark about if that's in any way possible for anyone else, if that show will have a future. I'm sure it will probably take a while to let go of a character that you've played for a long time," Cox said to the AV Club.

"I still feel like I am that character right now. I don't know. I guess it is what it is. It's the uncertainty that kills you. [Laughs.] In a way, I think I just put that in the back of my mind, and I'm focused on other work right now, and we'll see what happens, and if it's meant to be, it's meant to be."

Fans can sign the #SaveDaredevil campaign by clicking here.