Deadpool captivated audiences when it premiered in 2016, with many praising Marvel and 20th Century Fox‘s R-rated superhero comedy. Audiences have been clamoring for a sequel – which was teased in Deadpool‘s post-credit scene – ever since. And now, it appears filming on the highly-anticipated film is officially underway.
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Ryan Reynolds, who stars as the titular Merc with a Mouth, recently shared a photo of Deadpool 2‘s slateboard on Instagram. In the caption, Reynolds revealed that the first day of filming on the project had officially completed on June 26th. This comes after set photos showed Reynolds’ character having a run-in with a child’s birthday party.
That might seem a little confusing to Deadpool fans, as photos from June 17th showed the project filming at the X-Mansion. But that could easily be chalked up to something related to pre-production – or maybe even a separate vignette that will be used as a teaser for the film. Those excited for the next installment of Wade Wilson’s adventures will just have to wait and see.
Deadpool 2 currently has a 4.18 out of 5 User Anticipation Rating, making it the fifth most anticipated upcoming comic book movie among readers. Let us know how excited you are for Deadpool 2 by giving it your own anticipation rating below. Deadpool 2 opens in theaters on June 1, 2018.
David Leitch will direct the sequel, taking over for original Deadpool director Tim Miller. Fox is reportedly aiming for a June start of production in Vancouver. Ryan Reynolds will return as Wade Wilson, a.k.a. Deadpool, the Merc with a Mouth. For the sequel, he’ll be joined by Josh Brolin as Cable. Cable was co-created by Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld and Louise Simonson. He has often been paired with Deadpool as his grim, serious demeanor serves as the perfect foil to Deadpool’s crude and zany humor. The duo headlined an ongoing comic book series, Cable & Deadpool, for 50 issues.
Atlanta star Zazie Beetz has also been cast in Deadpool 2. She will play Domino, a mutant with probability manipulation abilities that endows her with improbably good luck. In the Marvel Comics Universe, Domino was a member of Cable’s mercenary crew, Six Pack, and one of his early love interests.
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