Deadpool 3 Officially Stops Production Due to Actors' Strike

Hollywood is beginning to feel the ripple effects of the ongoing strikes. The Writers Guild of America has been on strike since May 2nd after they failed to reach a new deal with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers. Since then, various actors and directors have shown their support for the WGA, with some even joining the screenwriters on the picket lines. As of Thursday afternoon, the Screen Actors Guild officially joined the WGA by executing a strike of their own. The SAG-AFTRA strike was immediately felt, as the cast of Oppenheimer walked out of their film's world premiere as soon as the strike was announced.

Now, the SAG-AFTRA strike is hitting major blockbuster productions. Marvel Studios' Deadpool 3 has stopped filming, as performers within the ensemble are set to join the strike themselves.

This news comes just days after Deadpool 3 hype reached an all-time high. On Monday, leading man Ryan Reynolds shared an image of himself and co-star Hugh Jackman in their respective super suits, with Jackman finally rocking the full blue and yellow Wolverine costume from the comics. 

Beyond the first-look at the costumes, Deadpool 3 increased intrigue by bringing Jennifer Garner into the ensemble, officially confirming that the actress would reprise her role as Elektra from 2003's Daredevil.

The SAG-AFTRA strike is expected to put an indefinite pause on Hollywood across the board. Per the strike's stipulations, actors are not allowed to work in just about any capacity. This includes filming and promoting projects.

"[On Wednesday], our union celebrated the 90th anniversary of the incorporation of Screen Actors Guild," Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator said during a press conference. "During our nearly century long existence we've fought for and achieved countless gains for working actors. Today, we embark on a new important chapter in our unions history. Earlier this morning, the SAG-AFTRA national board convened following four weeks of negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television producers in a meeting, because AMPTP remains unwilling to offer a fair deal on key issues essential to protecting the livelihoods of working actors and performers. SAG AFTRA as national board unanimously voted to issue a strike order against the studios and streamers."

Deadpool 3 is currently scheduled to hit theaters on May 3rd, 2024. It is currently unknown as to if the project's filming delays will impact its release date.