Arnold Schwarzenegger Joins 'Kung Fury' Movie

Swedish filmmaker David Sandberg's Kung Fury short film is getting a feature-length adaptation as [...]

Swedish filmmaker David Sandberg's Kung Fury short film is getting a feature-length adaptation as Kung Fury II: The Movie, and now that film has cast another high-profile icon in the form of Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Update: Officials close to Kung Fury are stating that Schwarzenegger's role has not yet been officially revealed.

According to THR, Schwarzenegger will play the American President in Kung Fury. The casting brings Schwarzenegger together with David Hasselhoff and Michael Fasbender, who have already been announced for the project.

Kung Fury takes place in '80s Miami, where a hero named "Kung Fury" and his team of Thundercops (a police force made up of historical figures) try to stop an evil-doer named the "Kung Fuhrer" (aka Adolf Hitler). When a Thundercop falls, Kung Fury must go on a quest through time and space to stop the Kung Fuhrer from obtaining the ultimate weapon and destroying the Miami Kung Fu Academy.

If that sounds like an absurd premise - it is! Sanders' toungue-in-cheek homage to 80s martial arts flicks embraces the camp of the genre it at once mocks and celebrates, much like Scott Sanders and Michael Jai White's Black Dynamite send-up of '70s blaxploitation films.

If you haven't checked out the original Kung Fury short, watch it above. David Hasselhoff did an original music video for the short, called "True Survivor" - you can check that out, below. Schwarzenegger's role will of course be a tongue-in-cheek send-up of his real-life political ambitions to become president, years ago.