Arrow Recap With Spoilers: Blind Spot

The episode begins with Alderman Blood visiting his mother at the hospital. She's in a corner and [...]

Arrow Blind Spot

The episode begins with Alderman Blood visiting his mother at the hospital. She's in a corner and begs the orderly not to leave, but Sebastian sends her away. He knows that Laurel came to see her--she admits that she told Laurel about Sebastian killing his father. She begs for forgiveness, which he gives and then kisses her and leaves. She lays on her bed, praying the Rosary, and he returns as Brother Blood. She screams, and the camera cuts away. Next, Arrow is holding someone at arrow-point, trying to get information about Brother Blood (whose name he still doesn't know). The man doesn't know anything.


Back on the island, Oliver and Sara are lookin for Slade in the plane. Sara wants to find Slade and take Ivo up on his offer to give them safe passage in exchange for the Mirakuru. Oliver is furious that she would consider working with Ivo. Back in the present, Laurel takes a pill from a prescription bottle before taking a phone call at work. It's St. Walker's Hospital, where Blood's mother was; they tell her that the patient has died. Laurel takes her suspicions that Blood killed his mother to District Attorney Donner, but he doesn't want to hear it; he doesn't believe any testimony coming out of a "padded cell." She wants him to look into it, but he won't. He's still got no leverage after having taken Vertigo on live TV and is worried that his career will be over if he takes a shot at Blood and it turns out to be nothing. Oliver checks in with Roy behind Verdant, thanking him for saving Moira and asking how he feels after being hit with the falling debris. Roy blows it off. Back in the Arrowcave, Diggle, Ollie and Felicity are talking about alternative ways to find Brother Blood when Detective Lance calls for Arrow. Cut to a rooftop, where he meets with Laurel. She gives him the lowdown on Blood based on her research. She tells him that Blood is dangerous and nobody else will help.


Back at Queen Consolidated, Oliver, Diggle and Felicity are meeting.  Felicity is convinced based on Laurel's findings that Sebastian Blood is the man in the skull mask, but Diggle remains unconvinced. Felicity is doing research and finding that a lot of Laurel's information checks out. Diggle tells Oliver to be careful; that this might be an elaborate plan by Laurel to catch Arrow again, and this time Sara won't be there to help him out. Roy calls Sin to meet him down by the docks, and when she shows up, he punches through a concrete wall and admits that he's been showing signs of powers since being shot up with the Mirakuru. He doesn't want to tell Thea until he knows more about what's happening to him. Roy has decided that now he doesn't need Arrow's help to stop the bad guys. At Queen, Felicity has discovered that the file on the death of Blood's father has been sealed and it's so old that there's no digital copy. The only way to get a look at it is to break into the archives and steal it. Oliver figures that he can't manage it without potentially getting caught. Laurel, though, can use her position as an assistant district attorney to get in. At her apartment, she's taking more pills when he shows up to recruit her to help with Blood. She comes without question.


On the island, Sara and Oliver are talking about the creature comforts of home. Sara doesn't believe they'll ever get home again, but Ollie has faith. He tells her that he's sorry for stranding them on the island. She admits to having had a crush on him for years before they went out on the boat. She tells a story about Laurel calling the cops to break up a party where Sara was trying to get  Ollie's attention. Sara was grounded for a month, and when she was able to get back, Laurel and Ollie were dating. Oliver and Laurel break into the city records while Felicity keeps the security system distracted. Security guards spot them, though, and the police come to break up the search for Blood's father's records. Arrow manages to disorient them with flash bangs and break some windows to make an escape. Outside, Laurel opens the file to find that it was all for nothing because the pages are blank. Felicity tries looking over the security footage at the city archives and finds that most of it has been erased by someone inside the building (so no help finding where a hack came from, for example). She and Oliver become more convinced that Blood is responsible, but Diggle is still not sold. Oliver tells Felicity to look for more information while he talks to Blood. At Verdant, Sin comes in to find Roy and Thea bickering. Sin has found a serial killer who victimizes prostitutes; everyone knows who he is but he's rich and powerful so nobody will ID him. Roy comes up with a plan to pretend Sin is a prostitute and catch the killer; first, he needs to convince Thea to lend Sin a slutty outfit.


Oliver shows up at Blood's campaign headquarters to ask Sebastian about Laurel's recent stress. Blood implies that Ollie sounds like a jealous ex-boyrfriend and assures him he'll look after Laurel. Sin lucks into the killer picking her up on the first try; he takes her to a parking garage and goes after her with a blade, but Roy pulls the car door off and throws the man around, then kicks him a bunch of times when he's down. He slaps Sin when she tries to stop him and when he finally snaps to, he apologizes; she says they need to call the killer an ambulance. In Blood's office after hours, he arrives to find Slade waiting for him, reading through his father's file. Slade has figured out that Sebastian killed the elder Blood. He accuses Blood of being sloppy, saying that he needs Blood to fix the problem with Laurel. When she gets home, Laurel finds her place ransacked.Officer Daly is there waiting for her; they have a warrant and found a prescription in her father's name in her apartment, so they place her under arrest for possession of a controlled substance. Her father comes into the interrogation room where she's being held and he tells her that she claims Blood is trying to frame her. He's furious with her for lying to him and stealing from him, and because she won't admit she has a problem. When she begs for him to believe her, he says that he doesn't and leaves. Oliver arrives at the station and asks Quentin how Laurel is doing; he says he doesn't know, and Oliver offers to drive her home. On the island, Sara uses the CB radio to call Ivo. He first seems surprised to learn that her name is Shado and tells Sara that he never meant to hurt anyone. He tells her that he needs her to come back and "save" him from "the darkness." In the hospital, the killer Roy knocked around has a shot at survival. Sin confronts him about what happened to the man, and when Thea asks who the man is, Sin tells him that it was her date, and they put him there. Thea tells Roy that she wants to help him, and he walks away.


Back at Laurel's apartment, Oliver is helping her clean up. He tells her that she's not acting like herself, and she gets mad and sends him to get her a glass of water; as soon as he walks away, one of Blood's people hiding in the apartment knocks Ollie out from behind and Blood and two henchman grab Laurel. Oliver wakes up and immediately starts looking for Laurel but she's gone. He calls Felicity, tells her that he's headed to the Starling Cannery where there's a note on the wall in blood directing him. There, before Arrow shows up, Laurel confronts Brother Blood. He grabs her and, when Arrow shows up, holds her at gunpoint. Ollie pings away the gun with an arrow and the two scuffle briefly; when Blood starts to get the upper hand for a moment, Oliver hits him in the knee with an arrow. He pulls another gun on Oliver, but Laurel shoots him down with the first gun. When they pull the mask off the body, though, it's Officer Daly, not Blood. He bleeds out in front of a surprised Laurel and Oliver with a half-grin on his face. Back at the police station, Laurel's father comes to check on her, giving the two a chance to make up from their previous argument. All the evidence had been moved onto Daly's property  to make him Blood's fall guy. Donner comes to Laurel, asking for a minute. He tells her that he's dropping the possession charges and that she won't be charged in Daly's shooting, but that she's fired because of her drug problem. She wants to appeal to Kate Spencer, but Donner says it's his call and she's done.


At the cave, Arrow tells the group that while Laurel saved his life and killed the man in the mask, he has a blind spot when it comes to her--but not anymore. He goes to Verdant to visit with Roy, who blows him off; he asks Thea what's going on and she tells Oliver that Roy put somebody in the hospital. Back on the island, Sara tells Ivo over the radio that she felt lucky not to be one of his test subjects while she was on the boat, but now that she's free of him she would rather be dead than go back to him. He tells her that he's going to hunt she and Oliver down; Oliver walks up behind her and takes the CB; she tells him they should go find Slade. At Slade's hideout in Starling, Blood and four of his men show up, telling Slade that they've set up Daly. Slade tells them that's not good enough; he appears out of nowhere in the Deathstroke 2.0 costume and kills all of Blood's men, then tells him that he'll be next if he disappoints again. That night, Oliver (as Arrow) approaches Roy in an alley and tells him some of what he knows about Mirakuru. He tells Roy that he can help him control himself, and Roy asks him when they start.